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Up Topic American Welding Society Services / Certifications / Test papers for D1.5 & D1.1
- - By GusTX Date 05-08-2011 16:33
Hi all
I have a job that I was asked to take a look at.
I got to the site and asked for the WPS’s, and they have been approved be EOR (this is all good).
Then I asked for certs for all the welders, all good 3G & 4G SMAW under D1.1.
Then asked to see the job Spec and plans (bad news) most of the welding is to done under D1.5.
The weld joints are about 16ft to 30ft long on 5/8” plate, they showed me the x-ray’s they have taking (these are some the cleanest weld’s I have ever seen).

Here is my Question: Can these welders’s be giving qualification papers based on their production welds under d1.5?  If so or not so, please give me some Ref.

Thanks and looking forward to what others think about this
Parent - - By Joseph P. Kane (****) Date 05-08-2011 17:57
Gus TX

"Here is my Question: Can these welders’s be giving qualification papers based on their production welds under d1.5?  If so or not so, please give me some Ref."

I think you meant to say "given" instead of "". 

My short answer is "NO"!  However the tests are essentially the same.  The one big difference is that no power tools are allowed in tests given to D 1.5 (Paragraph

The visual inspection criteria acceptance requirements of D 1.1 is actually stricter than D 1.5 (1/8" max reinforcement for D 1.1, VS 3/16" max reinforcement for D 1.5.)  The bend test result acceptance requirements are the same.  Radiographic Test Results acceptance criteria requirements are the same.

SO!  If the original conducting witness and certifier both agree that the original tests for D 1.1 were given under the same constraints as is required in D 1.5 (No power tools), and the test results were evaluated so that the acceptance requirements of D 1.5 were met, they could possibly be persuaded to issue new Welder Performance Qualification paperwork  to D 1.5.  (Assuming the work record is up to date.)

If the current job was for "Fracture Critical" construction, then further evaluation would be required.

Joe Kane
Parent - - By GusTX Date 05-08-2011 18:26
Yes!-- the word should be "given"
Parent - By eekpod (****) Date 05-09-2011 12:05
I believe there is a statement that the EOR can accept welders certifications if they are certified to another code.  You may want to look into this becasue basically the actual test is the same but like mentioned they can't use power tools.
Parent - By esmeraldaalviso Date 05-21-2011 17:26
I'm agree with Joe
also depend what type of job they working on  ....if is structure ,yes they need a retest, on fabrication shop, many jobs can be evaluated with the same code.
Up Topic American Welding Society Services / Certifications / Test papers for D1.5 & D1.1

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