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Up Topic Welders and Inspectors / Education & Training / Follow up on CWI class
- By AlexG Date 05-10-2011 15:36
Hope all you mothers had a blessed mothers day. And hope you guys enjoyed the time with them.

I recently posted the 1ST OF April of a CWI class. I just wanted to follow up with it.

Its been a rough ride. The instructor DGXL wasn't kidding when he said its going require a lot of hard work. Actually his words were, " this is going to be the hardest #%^&*+ test you ever taken".
I seriously don't know how fellas out there can absorb a week crash course and then take the test. How ever Its been a awesome class. I learn so much every time we get together. Already I have implemented this knowledge at my family business and its paying off. And there's much more to implement but it will have to wait due to funds. I think anybody in the welding industry would benefit from this class. I do warn though, this class requires a lot of focus, dedication, going with the flow of the instructor and not against it, and finally thick skin, ( like that of a RHINO )

welderbrent, was on the money. I've have good instructor and and fellow students, so I'm sure that makes all the difference. And anybody involved in fabrication would benefit from a class like this one.

For any business owners out there I know DGXL tailors courses of any size and hour lengths. I know your company would benefit from his services.

Well if time permits  I will follow up in a couple of weeks after a field trip. We are going to get hands on experience at a structural fab shop.

Boy, that D1.1 is a kick in the butt!!!!!  

Lord Bless!
Alex Govea
- By AlexG Date 05-10-2011 15:44
Sorry I meant to post this in education.
Up Topic Welders and Inspectors / Education & Training / Follow up on CWI class

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