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Up Topic Chit-Chat & Non-Welding Discussion / Off-Topic Bar and Grill / Flag burning
- - By Jaxddad (**) Date 05-11-2011 14:11
If any of you welders are down around the LSU campus and find a few spare minutes on your hands run over and teach that retard a lesson that is planning on burning a American flag today at noon....
Semper Fi
Parent - - By Mat (***) Date 05-13-2011 00:46
I'm Canadian, but if anyone burned the flag representing my country, I would be livid.  My grandfather, my signifigant other's grandfather and several of my great uncles fought in WWII defending our lifestyle.  If an individual is looking to make a statement regarding what is taken for granted a lot of the time, based on ignorance, send them to the front...  In front of the front!
Parent - - By Tommyjoking (****) Date 05-13-2011 01:07 Edited 05-13-2011 01:10
If I was in less then 50 bux worth of gas I would personally go beat his ass after he starts his demonstration.  I think we should be able to protest what we disagree with in this country...even vehemently.  BUTT  burning the flag in my mind borders on treason or at the very least insurrection.  It may not be on the feds books but it is a crime as far as I am concerned, and much more importantly to me, a direct insult to my entire family who sacrificed life and limb to defend and uphold that flag.  Every single serviceman regardless if they saw combat or not took the risk of their very life to sign on the dotted line and do the duty they are charged might as well spit in their face!  Somebody go beat the punk down publicly and I will send you $25 for your fuel and raise money to post your legal fees and court costs.  Here in Arkansas it is about $175 fine and a night in jail, after the day in court add another $75.  I have paid that few times gladly!

We are free to disagree,  THANK GOD!!!!  BUTT to incite such disregard for the flag that gives you the right to protest is just foolish, ill thought, stupid and lazy.  Protest all you want and ask for change, that is the right of everyone that is a citizen here......but to spit on the graves of my uncles and grandfather...well that might get you the beating of your very life or worse.

MY DAMM $.02

yea I know my sig makes this post Ironic....I do not care....some things just are not right and I will not budge on it.
Parent - - By rcwelding (***) Date 05-13-2011 13:14 Edited 05-13-2011 17:57
You know what is sad..!! My wife is a school teacher at a little K through 5 school out here... The school got a call in the morning saying that a fallen solder was going by with a full escort around 2pm yesterday... So my wife along with the other teachers go in and tell the kids what was going on and that at 2pm they would all go out to the front of the school to pay respects as the procession went by..

  The principle got wind of it and shut the whole thing down and told the kids that they had to stay inside because they did not have written permission from the parents for the kids to be able to pay there respects..!!!

  My wife said than fire me..!!!  I don't believe in the wars we are in now but if that solder laid down his life for our country the least I can do is go pay my respects and appreciation..!!!

  She took my two kids and some other kids down to the road and had them put there hands over there hearts as the escort went by...

  The Principal was pissed but when the parents came to pick up there kids and heard that there kids weren't allowed to go out, that Principal had his hands full of pissed off parents and laid off my wife...

EDIT ( Laid off ) as in put his tail between his legs and quit going after my wife and the two other teachers that went out with her... Sorry the way I wrote that sounded like he fired her... He didn't..!!

  The lack of respect people have now and are teaching our kids makes me sick..!!! 

Parent - - By joe pirie (***) Date 05-13-2011 14:08
i hope all the parents rally behind your wife and get her job back. id go to the media
and let them know. Im going to paste  a copy of this on face book and hope
the rest of you do the same can you provide the name of the school?
Parent - By rcwelding (***) Date 05-13-2011 17:34 Edited 05-13-2011 17:36
He did ( NOT ) fire her but she was willing to walk the plank for it.. After all the parents threw a fit he pretty much backed down but the escort had already passed by the time parents came to pick up there kids so the kids still didn't get to show there respect..

  She is at work today.. The principal is retiring this year ( 2 weeks ) so it would be hard to do much to him..!! The new principal coming in is actually a teacher at this same school...

  She threw a fit and said that when she steps in there will be a note to parents stating that " If they do not wish there children to participate in something like this to send a written statement saying so because starting next year this school will support any and all fallen solders as well as any VETs that they may come in contact with while at school..!! "

  This is a small school in Southeast Texas... As in 190 students between K through 5..  Everyone was blown away that the principal did that..!!

  It just made me sick to hear..!!!

Parent - By Jaxddad (**) Date 05-13-2011 17:10
I am sorry to hear about your wife`s job. Sounds to me like that a principle just signed their own termination papers. Is she in the teachers union? I guess the big question would be was she on her time or was she missing class time? Not that it matters to me because she did what was right but, I am thinking of legal standing if you wanted to press the issue.

I think what bother me the most was the fact that it was on national news and, our Coward and Cheif did nothing. Yet when that pastor of the church in Florida was going to burn a koran in protest he sicked the AG Eric Holder all over him. He can pound his chest about killing UBL all he wants but when he turns his back on something like this it shows me he only did it for the poll numbers he truely dosent care.
Parent - By swsweld (****) Date 05-13-2011 02:07

Hey Dwight,
looks like they heard you.
Benjiman Hass got his a$$ handed to him.
Wrong state wrong campus pal.

Freedom of speech and expression is B. Hass's right but so is the reaction to his stupidity.
Up Topic Chit-Chat & Non-Welding Discussion / Off-Topic Bar and Grill / Flag burning

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