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Up Topic Welding Industry / Processes / Brazing and Joining Engineer
- By (**) Date 05-24-2011 21:36
Brazing and Joining Engineer in Ohio
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- - By LNCL Date 08-14-2011 20:35
Is any one familiar with a portable flameless mch/tool that can heat 1 1/2" copper tube for brazing, using either silver or silfos, installing tube in a sensitive enviorment. THANK YOU.
Parent - By DaveBoyer (*****) Date 08-15-2011 02:10 Edited 08-15-2011 05:02
Did You contact Grant Sarver like I suggested?

Here is an example of another process, resistance heating.
I don't know the capacity of this particular unit, but You might check out the manufacturer and see what they offer.
Up Topic Welding Industry / Processes / Brazing and Joining Engineer

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