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Up Topic American Welding Society Services / Certifications / National pi$$ off a inspector day tomorrow don't forget!!
- - By Johnny Walker (***) Date 07-20-2011 03:54
I just made it up have fun with it
Parent - - By Superflux (****) Date 07-20-2011 14:40
No need to make a special event. Isn't that what welders think of as soon as the hood goes down EVERYDAY! All day long? I used to enjoy doing odd things just to see how sharp QC was. Usually fairly easy task to get one over on them.
Parent - - By waccobird (****) Date 07-20-2011 14:51

What you said is not good ethics.

You wouldn't last long here.
Too many of those noted tests add up to carelessness and points to a non team player.
Just Saying A welder is supposed to perform their tasks correctly and go to the next task, not see how smart the person holding the clipboard is.


Parent - - By Superflux (****) Date 07-20-2011 15:26
True, I was not always the stellar employee when under the hood. Typical case and point. When you have some know-it all, suddenly became QC God, brand new, unescorted CAWI running around calling the shots and telling you that you HAVE to have 1/8" root penetration minimum on a 4" sch 40 pipe, and then having the foreman make you cut out perfectly good not yet RT'd welds.... It just begs for retaliation.
Respect and professionalism breeds the same.
I know... it was very wrong of me.
I was very immature back then.
I'm all growed up now.

Parent - By Johnny Walker (***) Date 07-20-2011 16:06
My inspector only looked at the first 50 or so now he just initials the pipe cause he knows it's good
- - By jbndt (**) Date 07-23-2011 22:44
I used to wait for the inspector to start un-folding his little leather “Inspectors Hood” (carried in his shirt pocket) and asking “you want me to start here” and then striking an arc when he looked … :eek:

Now, I be he … So bring it on!!  :twisted:

Oh, I also have enough Non-Compliance Reports that would take you a life-time to fix!


Are those “inspectors hoods” even available anymore?
I’m tired if dragging around full size hood.
Looks like e-Bay time to me!!

Damn, I’m gettin’ old!!
Parent - - By Duke (***) Date 07-24-2011 10:28
- By jbndt (**) Date 07-25-2011 00:58
Dan and Doug,

That’s what I’m looking for!
Thanks for the links!

Up Topic American Welding Society Services / Certifications / National pi$$ off a inspector day tomorrow don't forget!!

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