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Up Topic Welding Industry / Technical Discussions / Detailed Tig welding information
- - By Huibing Ge Date 11-16-2002 03:42
Now I meet some problems. I must to weld some stainless sheets of 1mm in thickness and the weld should be very very nice to look.But I konw a little about this process.So can you help me to choose
the right welding machine ,the shape and size of tungsten and nozzle ,and the approximately weld current?
Parent - By Niekie3 (***) Date 11-17-2002 20:34
I see you have had no answers to your post yet. I am not surprised, because you are asking what is discussed in rather thick text books! Can I suggest that you have a look through some of the old posts about TIG power sources and work from there.

When you decide what power source to purchase, the supplier will also be able to help you select the right accessories for your job. Again, some of the old posts contain information regarding this.

Once you get to the actual welding, then ask more specific questions regarding problems you are experiencing.

Hope this helps

Niekie Jooste
Up Topic Welding Industry / Technical Discussions / Detailed Tig welding information

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