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Up Topic Welding Industry / Technical Discussions / welding a cast iron engine block??
- - By sparkin (*) Date 07-23-2011 05:39
I have a Cat dozer that has a small crack in the block.
A previous owner of it had been running water instead of antifreeze and ended up freezing it bad enough to push the freeze plugs out and crack the block.
He changed the freeze plugs and ran it for 5 years. When it gets hot, it will leak again and I would like to fix the little crack rather than pay $6,500 for a short block if the crack decides to spread during this wonderful heat wave we are all in right now.
Again, it's on a non stress part of the engine and has been running weekly for 5 years like this. Its on the side of the block, in the center, about an inch and a half long and runs horizontal.

Now to the question:

I have heard from the "old timers" around here that I can grind the crack out a little and weld it with a nickle rod. Does anyone have any experience with this type of repair or know if it that method will work? Since it is cast I was thinking it may need to be heated first and slowly allowed to cool after welding to keep it from cracking out more.
I obviously have no idea how to do this but think its worth a shot considering the alternative. Any help with this is greatly appreciated.

If I could ever get my copy of the Farm Code book it is probably in there under the chapter on aerospace and dirt track repair.  :)
Parent - By jarcher (**) Date 07-24-2011 03:49
True, True Mr. Buell, looks like another job for JB Weld.
- By jbndt (**) Date 07-23-2011 22:19

Apparently per your post, the crack isn’t getting any worse or growing.

So, have you tried any of the block sealants?
CAT used to recommend “Bar’s Leaks”
Because it actually WORKS, I've used it for more years than I care to count!!

If you’re really serious, “Mag Particle” AND “Dye-Pen” the area to find the ends of the crack.
Drill a hole at each end of the crack so it doesn’t grow, then weld with a good nickel rod.

There is also pro and con about grinding a groove along the crack.
Like this forum, Google and You-Tube can also be your friends.

Of course, YMMV … Your Mileage May Vary …

And, I should have mentioned the obvious ...
Small strips torn from the blank pages of "The Farm Code" dropped into the radiator fill hole will also solve your problem.

As will a cup of original Quaker oat-meal .... Just NOT the instant stuff!

Up Topic Welding Industry / Technical Discussions / welding a cast iron engine block??

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