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Up Topic Welding Industry / Inspection & Qualification / MT A36 to Stainless
- - By drewp29 (**) Date 08-04-2011 16:18
Is it possible to Mag Particle an A36 lifting lug welded to 304L stainless with E309LT1 electrode?

I would assume it's not given the austenitic stainless cannot be magnetized but I have been wrong before . . .


Parent - - By jwright650 (*****) Date 08-04-2011 16:33
I suspect that the MT suggestion is to check for cracks(due to the difference in coefficients between the two materials), so why not use PT to check for cracks open to the surface?
Parent - - By drewp29 (**) Date 08-04-2011 16:47
You are correct, and I am going to write a SDR for the change from MT to PT, but I thought I would check to see if it is even possible before stating that it is not in my SDR.

Half the lugs are A36 to A36, and the other half are A36 to 304L, but we'd like use only one process to keep from setting up twice on each unit.
Parent - - By jwright650 (*****) Date 08-04-2011 16:55
I had some 304L to A36 sometime ago and didn't think to try the MT to see how effective it may be, just used the PT to verify that we didn't have any problems after it cooled.
Parent - By drewp29 (**) Date 08-04-2011 19:05
I'm not sure the strength of the magnetic field would be sufficient, we could test it and see, but it's probably just easier to submit a deviation for the Penetrant Testing anyway.

Thanks John!
Parent - - By CHGuilford (****) Date 08-09-2011 16:16
It is not effective.  I tried it just for the fun of it.  You will see a fuzzy linear indication on the A36 side of the joint but nothing that gives you any useful information.
Parent - By jwright650 (*****) Date 08-09-2011 17:55
Thanks Chet for the confirmation.:cool:
Up Topic Welding Industry / Inspection & Qualification / MT A36 to Stainless

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