Not logged inAmerican Welding Society Forum
Just finished interviewing 60 people for welding positions over 2 days, including a hands on welding test for each. Had 5 guys try out who had never welded before, 2 obvious meth heads, and one girl who embarrassed the crap out of me when she corrected me after calling her a guy. Oh, and 2 guys who showed up for a welding test wearing shorts and flip flops...
Whew, I'm bushed. Anybody got a cold beer?
I hope you found a couple good ones!
Hi Lawrence,
I couldn't find any cold beers at the house.
I guess Jody must have been here again... so I settled for a couple shots of Mulberry Moonshine.
As for the welders, we were looking for about 20. I was pleasantly surprised to have found around 30 good ones to choose from.
"and one girl who embarrassed the crap out of me when she corrected me after calling her a guy"
Same happened out here too!
Just not to me!
If her current resume has "Coronado Generating Station, St Johns, Arizona" on it ... HIRE HER !!
She could out weld most of the guys that they had on site!
As I recall, HER name is Addie.
Nope, different girl, but she sure can weld.
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