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Up Topic Welders and Inspectors / Education & Training / cwi exam
- - By Roland Date 08-06-2011 11:35
i take cwi exam in 2007,but i fail, should i apply for re-exam or it will be new again?

Parent - - By waccobird (****) Date 08-06-2011 11:58
First Welcome to the American Welding Society Online Forum

CWI/CWE Re-Exam Information
The CWI/CWE Re-Exam Application is to be used only by those individuals who have taken the AWS CWI/CWE
examination, and whose score(s) did not qualify them for CWI and/or CWE certification. 

You need to apply for the CWI Re-Exam.
Again Welcome to the Forum

Good Luck
Parent - By Roland Date 08-07-2011 04:17

Thanks for the warm welcome and informative information.

Parent - - By Joseph P. Kane (****) Date 08-06-2011 15:17 Edited 08-06-2011 15:22
notuntilyoulearntoCAPITALIZEandpunctuateproperlywedontneedanyanymoremoronsinthecwiprogramifyoutakethetestagainyoumightaccidentlypassandwhatadisasterthatwouldbe! .
Parent - By ssbn727 (*****) Date 08-06-2011 16:40

ROTFLMFAO JOE!!!:twisted::lol::lol::lol::cool:

Parent - - By Roland Date 08-07-2011 04:37
I think you need to learn know how to use the long bar on you key pad IT's CALL "SPACE BAR" before see someone else mistake. Your are one sample of a very lonely person.

Thanks for your correction!
Parent - - By Joseph P. Kane (****) Date 08-07-2011 16:19

Boy!!!!!  If that isn't a severe case of Chutzpah!!!!  If you hadn't done the initial post so badly, I could infer that you are just being sarcastic.  However, your sentence structure in this post confirms my initial impression.  Please don't become a CWI.  The program doesn't need any more people in it who can't form a proper sentence!!!  (How do you expect to write a proper report?!?!?!?!?)

Joe Kane
Parent - - By RANDER (***) Date 08-07-2011 23:36
Isn't there an article in the latest edition of "Inspection Trends" regarding report writing?
Parent - By ssbn727 (*****) Date 08-08-2011 04:06 Edited 08-08-2011 04:09
Yes indeed there is... In fact, Joseph P. Kane is the author of the specific article in question...:eek::roll::slim::lol::wink::cool:

The very same person "Roland" has a bit of a misunderstanding going on with.:yell::lol::eek::wink::cool:

In fact, here's the link to the very same article you asked about starting on page 17 in Inspection Trends:

I seriously advise "Roland" to read it carefully - word for word.:eek::lol::cool:

Btw Joe, It is an excellent article and is well written.:lol::wink::cool:

Parent - By ssbn727 (*****) Date 08-07-2011 19:48
"I think you need to learn know how to use the long bar on you key pad IT's CALL "SPACE BAR" before see someone else mistake."

I believe Joe does have a legitimate point in chastising you regarding the way you type with such poor sentence structure due to the obvious fact that you do not proofread what you attempt to post...

Beyond this, if you continue to write inspection reports in a similar manner, your credibility as an inspector will drop almost instantaneously to those who will read your reports and as a subsequent response, you will probably be passed on as someone who cannot reliably write detailed, literate inspection reports, or else they will become so tired of attempting to understand your unprofessional, sub standard, illegible inspection reports and your services will no longer be required...

Here's an example of what Joe was attempting to explain while at the same time getting your undivided attention which he did so successfully IMHO... For instance, what you wrote above should have been written like this:

"I think you need to learn know how to use the long bar on" you ( "your" is the correct word to use instead of you ) key pad ( A period [.] must be typed at the end of sentence.) IT's CALL "SPACE BAR" (No need for the use of upper casing [capitalizing] most of the letters found in the first 4 words that begin a sentence, and then switching over for no apparent reason to lower case... The word "call" should instead be typed "called". ). And finally, between the words: "before see someone else mistake." Instead, you must write: "before (you) see, or notice someone's mistake(s).

In summary, it is indeed important to proofread one's own inspection report before submitting it... Spell check & grammar functions found in any reliable word processing software can be utilized for such necessary corrections prior to copying and pasting the post in here, or prior to submitting one's final draft of an inspection report, or anything else for that matter.

I hope you learned something from this and Joe's posts.:eek::wink::cool:

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