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Up Topic Welding Industry / Inspection & Qualification / ISO Standards for Pipe job
- - By dhwootten (*) Date 08-09-2011 23:23
I just came in as a 3rd party on a steel pipe job that is being done in accordance with ISO Standards.  I'm not familiar with ISO Standards and the job lists 3 different standards.  ISO 2531, ISO 4179, and ISO 8179.  The bulk of my part is just document review but I'm still afraid that I'll miss something.  Any suggestions?
Parent - By 803056 (*****) Date 08-10-2011 15:13
Not to be a smart aleck, but do you have copies of the applicable standards? If not, you need to get them. As a third party inspector or a QC inspector, you need access to any standard that applies to the work you are inspecting.

The three ISO standards cited most likely reference additional standards that will need to be reviewed as well.

Best regards - Al
- - By dhwootten (*) Date 08-11-2011 00:53
That's not a smart aleck question at all.  I do have the standards, and have read through them.  I guess the job is just a little more straight forward and easier than I was expecting so I'm picking it.  This company has been in business for A LONG, LONG time and their QC department is top notch.  Perhaps that's WHY they've been in business for so long.
Thanks for the suggestions!
Parent - By qcrobert (***) Date 08-11-2011 21:19

>I guess the job is just a little more straight forward and easier than I was expecting<

Donna, be careful of those seemingly easy jobs. :wink:  I had more than one bite me in the posterior. :grin:

May I ask what type of project it water or waste piping?

I was an independent inspector for a 46" dia water piping project in Tacoma, WA and my duties started out as just "document review."  Early on I saw I couldn't sign off "documents" until verification of:
document review
certification for product conformity
max tolerances of pipe deflection
proper backfill
correct installation
bolting procedures
welding procedures
min thk of concrete lining
interanl & external coating
repair procedures
mil thk test verification
pneumatic testing

Turned out to be a good job all around altho the road crossings at night and the irate neighbors from the contractor tearing up their trees in the right-away wasn't fun to deal with.

Just cross all your "T's" and dot all your "I's"...and if you need any help, there are plenty of experienced people in here to give you advice and/or guidance.

Up Topic Welding Industry / Inspection & Qualification / ISO Standards for Pipe job

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