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Up Topic Welding Industry / Technical Discussions / Direction of the field weld symbol
- - By wedan33 Date 09-02-2011 15:49
I'm preparing to give a presentation on welding symbols to a group of drafters.  A note in Table 8-2 of the AISC Steel Construction Manual, 13th Ed., states "The point of the field weld symbol must point toward the tail".  Section 5.8 of AWS A2.4:2007 clearly shows the point of a field weld symbol pointing away from the tail (bottom left symbol).  Which is correct?
Parent - By Lawrence (*****) Date 09-02-2011 15:55 Edited 09-02-2011 16:02
Welcome to the Forum!

Since there is no other symbol in the welding lexicon that resembles the "field weld" symbol, I don't see how the person reading the print would struggle with the symbol pointing one way or the other.  The symbol can also be either proceeding from the arrow side or the other side of the reference line..

This is not answering your question; but I dont see this as a technical issue to loose alot of sleep over either.

For the sake of consistancy, if your work is to be in compliance to AISC and this compliance is noted in your contract doccuments, it might be wise to simply make them all the same.
Parent - By waccobird (****) Date 09-02-2011 16:11

First Welcome to the American Welding Society Online Forum.

In all the years of seeing weld symbols on erection drawings and such I have found they go either way depending on the room on the print and how the detailer wants to see it fly.

Good Luck with your presentation

Again Welcome to the Forum

Parent - - By jwright650 (*****) Date 09-02-2011 16:47
AWS has had errors in the welding symbols chart regarding field welds in the past(see Supplementary Symbols in the example below). It could have been an oversight flying the flag towards the arrow vs flying it towards the tail. I personally like to see it flying towards the tail for consistancy. <---Just my two cents.
Parent - - By 803056 (*****) Date 09-02-2011 20:25
Time to update the wall chart John.

I don't have my A2.4 handy, but if memory serves me correctly, there is no convention on the direction the field weld flag is to point.

Parent - - By Milton Gravitt (***) Date 09-02-2011 22:39
Al, I've have my AWS A2.4 2007 and 5.8 page 11 Field weld Symbol .A flag is used to specify a field weld.The flag shall be place at a right angle to, and on either side of, the reference line at junction with the arrow(see Annex D5.8).

Parent - By welderbrent (*****) Date 09-03-2011 02:13

I think your reference specifies a different point than Al made.  Yours has to do with which side of the reference line the symbol is placed on (more properly- the flag pole).  Al's has to do with which direction the flag's tail points. 

Have a Great Day,  Brent
Parent - By Metarinka (****) Date 09-11-2011 20:14
when I was doing doing welding drawings I always drew my flag tail pointing to the right, just seems to look better.  as mentioned there's no other symbol close to the field welding symbol and the flag direction is not a factor in anything, so I think either would be sufficient. 

I also drew stick figure saluting the flag... but that's a different story...
Parent - - By ctacker (****) Date 09-03-2011 01:30
Is it my eyes, or does the Supplemental symbol with the flag say Fillet weld?
Parent - By jbndt (**) Date 09-03-2011 04:08
Thought it was my eyes too!  :eek:

You tested on Jaeger 1 or 2?  :lol:

Parent - By jwright650 (*****) Date 09-03-2011 12:12
ctacker, It's a poorly scanned does say "Fillet Weld" where it's supposed to say "Field Weld".

Al, Yes the wall chart is old, but it's the one that came to mind when speaking of that error.
Up Topic Welding Industry / Technical Discussions / Direction of the field weld symbol

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