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Up Topic American Welding Society Services / Certifications / Macrotest clarification
- - By joe pirie (***) Date 10-04-2011 02:10
The engineer has specifically asked for all fillet weld tests to be Macro tested in addition
to AWS D1.1  pre qualifed wps  requirements.  If a welder has an AWS weld certification for 1" plate in the
3F and 4F position he is quialified to make fillets weld in all  positions. Since the welder did not take an actual fillet weld
test i don't feel that the welders certification meets the specific requirements of the engineer for Macro testing
and the welder must take a fillet .weld test per AWS D1.1 table 4.11 requireing a break test and a macro test for
2 plates  1 plate welded vertical 3F  the 2nd plate welded  overhead 4F. or are the welders certifications valid for
this WPS with no additional testing?
Parent - By qcrobert (***) Date 10-04-2011 16:05

>Since the welder did not take an actual fillet weld test i don't feel that the welders certification meets the specific requirements of the engineer for Macro testing<

I concur...
Parent - - By Lawrence (*****) Date 10-04-2011 18:26
The engineer has specifically asked for all fillet weld tests to be Macro tested in additionto AWS D1.1  pre qualifed wps  requirements.

If the engineer has authority to ask, than I agree that it's something that *shall* be complied with.

Good call Joe  (in my opinion :)  )
Parent - - By joe pirie (***) Date 10-04-2011 18:47
I was pretty sure i was right but i hate argueing with a test lab where the welders
were being Qualified. A couple of the welders weren't  to happy that they had previously
paid for a plate certification for another part of the job and were very insistant that they were
qualified for the fillet welds. I told them to have the contractor contact the engineer and if he
would waive the Macro etch requirement I would accept their plate tests. I don't think thats going
to happen since he specifically asked for the test. thanks lawrence and QC
Parent - - By Lawrence (*****) Date 10-04-2011 18:51
Ok... Not to stick my nose in your business... But   :)

And of course this prolly has nothing to do with the responsibilities you bear in the project.

Why are the welders paying for the performance qualification testing at all?

I would think that if there are stipulations for testing and especially testing *beyond* code requirements than the customer should bear the cost eh?

Just asking  :)
Parent - - By jwright650 (*****) Date 10-04-2011 19:29
I'm with Lawrence on this...if a customer came in and told me that I had to go above and beyond what I've already agreed to in the signed contract....I'd be asking them for a change to the contract that involves some money to cover the extra testing.

Funny thing is that I macro-etch my welder's coupons because they are always curious how their tests look and are usually amazed at the detail that the etching shows...but....What I don't have, is that testing noted in my welder's quals, just the side bends. There is enough material left over and it only takes a few minutes to polish and etch a couple cuts.
Parent - - By 803056 (*****) Date 10-04-2011 22:20
I would agree if the requirement was implemented after the project was quoted, however, if the requirement is in the project specification the contractor eats the cost.

Parent - - By Lawrence (*****) Date 10-04-2011 22:54
Perfectly Right.

I guess my ammended question would go something like;   Are the "Welders" independent contractors?... Or are they paying for tests to please an employer?

Again... Just curious
Parent - By 803056 (*****) Date 10-04-2011 23:04
In the field, it can be a condition of employment.

In the field it is not unusual for the welders to be independent contractors. The lets the hiring contractor off the hook when it comes to paying benefits, worker's comp, and unemployment. A rather common occurance on non-union projects.

Best regards - Al
Parent - - By jbndt (**) Date 10-04-2011 23:04
“A couple of the welders weren't to happy that they had previously paid for a plate certification for another part of the job and were very insistant that they were qualified for the fillet welds.”

Perhaps the Engineer is a lurker on this forum ...  :twisted:

Wasn’t there a LONG thread on “plate welders” NOT being able to pass a fillet break test not too long ago? (John W …)  :cool:

Parent - By joe pirie (***) Date 10-05-2011 00:46
The general contractor on the job is using rig welders and they are  required
to pay for the cost of testing  for any and all certifications being required  by
the engineer. Im not sure how there paying the welders if their all independent
contractors or if their getting a split check so much for the arm and so much for
the equipt. im just trying to make sure the welders are qualified to the requested
Up Topic American Welding Society Services / Certifications / Macrotest clarification

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