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Up Topic Welding Industry / General Welding Discussion / my first welding internet post
- - By martinmartiini Date 10-17-2011 09:49 Edited 10-17-2011 15:22
(ok, Im cross-posting this and see responses I get)

This is my first internet post about welding
Im 34 years old already, done some concrete construction work and warehouse work
Going to a college now, study welding, first year

this far, at school, we've done stick welding practice with Lincoln Electric 270sx

I want some advice on general real-life knowledge about metal-welding.

Main careers in welding - which are most popular ??
Possible welding career prospects - pipe-welding, auto-repair ...
out of all welding types - stick (SMAW)(MMA), mig, tig, (maybe gas-cutting, plasma-cutting),
what are the best-paid welding jobs
what is most common/most sold welding equipment - Lincoln Electric, Miller, ESAB

which is better - work for a company, or buy own welding equipment and work out of home garage (or, in my case, cellar at our house here)

for me preferred work, maybe - in open air and outside field work, pipe-welding, construction welding ... etc

I know, nowadays, lots of industrial welding is done by industrial robots, like, places like - Stuttgart Mercedes automotive factory, Japan Suzuka Honda factory .. etc
although,I think, car production is a subject of automated robot welding, industrial robotics, cnc automation, advanced engineering etc etc

Hopefully I edited out common spelling mistakes

Parent - - By Tyrone (***) Date 10-17-2011 10:46 Edited 10-17-2011 11:31
Wow Martin,
Welcome.  That's a hellova intro!

The answer to most of your questions are based on personal preference.  What type of weld process do you enjoy?  If you can, I suggest learning as many as possible.  This opens more doors for you.

At my company, the maintenance welders and field service welders are the best paid.  They have to know multiple weld processes (MIG, SMAW, TIG), usually out of position.  Again, would you enjoy that type of work?

Some of the other guys will give you more advice.
Parent - - By Johnny Walker (***) Date 10-18-2011 03:05
If u ain't a pipeliner u ain't $h1t
Parent - - By 99205 (***) Date 10-18-2011 03:50
I don't know why but welding circles all day long never appealed to me.
Parent - By welderbrent (*****) Date 10-18-2011 04:28
I don't mind doing it all day on occassion, but overall I agree.  There are way too many more challenging things to do that are welding related and make more money than to be caught in a rut doing the same thing day in and day out for the rest of my life. 

Anyway, I agree with the previous poster who suggested you find what you like to do.  Welding has many applications, opportunities, and provides very well for anyone who applies themselves. 

If you love to travel, there are opportunities.  If you want to stay in one place, opportunities.  Aerospace, heavy equipment, automotive, railroad, underwater, pressure vessels, piping, and so much more.

Most of all... Remember... MONEY ISN'T EVERYTHING!!  Family, values, morals, education/knowledge, opportunities to help others, and many other things are more important than just 'How Much Can I Make?"  Or "I Made More Than You." 

I have worked shops doing a wide variety of tasks using a wide variety of welding processes.  I have worked in the field doing just as many various things.  I have made very good money, I have made barely enough to survive.  I have worked union and non-union, both shop and field.  I have owned my own company twice.  This time for 15 years.  I am currently more involved with welding inspections than working the shop I own. 

So, as you can see, the opportunities are limitless.  The question is...What Do YOU Want To Do?  What Lifestyle Do You Want For Your Family?  And, Yes, How Much Money Do You Want To Make? 

The main factor is education, certification, and application of your knowledge, abilities and learned skills.  So just keep learning and putting that knowledge to work.  You will find YOUR niche.

Have a Great Day,  Brent
Parent - By Rafter_G_Weldin (***) Date 10-18-2011 04:47
Not trying to start an arguement. Just stirring the pot a little. I work with a pipeliner no we're not on a line doing reapir work on oilfield equipment and the like. Yes he can run 5p+ all day and its very good but he cant run 7018 to save his ass. I always have to go behind him and fix his attempts at it. So i beg to differ with your opinion. Granted not everybody can run different types of rods. Once again not arguing just saying is all.
Parent - - By Cumminsguy71 (*****) Date 10-18-2011 16:02 Edited 10-18-2011 16:08
As you'll see everybody is different. I love being off in a ditch running 5p but its nice to change up. In a steel pit running 7018the or 3/16 jet, climbing on a ladder two stories up in the rafters running 5p/7018 or in the shop building custom stuff. Then you have the handrail which satisfies the creative side. Mig, Tig, Stick I like doing it all. Back when I was a kid, 10-11 doctors of today most likely would put me on drugs for some ADA thing. Where you go, what you weld, indoors, outdoors its all up to you and your personality. Some folks enjoy the self employed life and the ups and downs, stress and joys, others cannot handle it or do feel the payoff is not worth it. Again, its all up to you. You'll get lots of advice, thoughts, "if you ain't a Pipeliner you ain't sh-t". I can't agree but I'm not Johnny Walker, that's what he enjoys doing but me, I need change. Two different guys, two different views, neither is wrong or better unless its seen thru the eyes of the individual making the statement.
Parent - - By martinmartiini Date 10-18-2011 18:15
so, to recap, generally,
what my destiny will be like:
finish this college,
say good-bye to local library and robot-welding books, to my dreams getting higher education and comfortable office job,
find pipeline to weld,
burn electrodes 8 till 5 in wind and rain and sunshine and hail, sit in a canteen with other welders all my life, get some work-injuries, get a pension, and die
Parent - - By waccobird (****) Date 10-18-2011 18:22

Who said anything about 8-5

Parent - By jwright650 (*****) Date 10-18-2011 18:34's 6am to 4:30pm where we work
Parent - By weldwade (***) Date 10-18-2011 21:27
8 to 5???? You want to be a welder not a doctor!!! lol

More like from when you get going to when its done! 16 hour or longer days are common. You will be expected to work when there is work to do no matter what time of the day/night/holidday/weekend it is.

That is my experience anyway.
Parent - - By qcrobert (***) Date 10-18-2011 22:36
"would put me on drugs for some ADA thing."

Shawn, you saying you didn't take your drugs today???:eek:

Look at John's smile, he obviously took his!!:eek:
Parent - By Tommyjoking (****) Date 10-19-2011 00:16
Welcome aboard!!!!

Any welding career like all other careers is based most on what you make of it.   Some of it is always going to be rough hard dangerous work:evil:...some of it is easy as showing up.  You start somewhere but almost always end up in a far different place.  I have always been able to find something about it that kept me interested enough to go at it again the next day.

Good Luck
Parent - - By Cumminsguy71 (*****) Date 10-19-2011 00:25
Must not have....could not concentrate long enough to think and write ADD and wrote ADA, whatever that might be!
Parent - - By Johnny Walker (***) Date 10-19-2011 02:22
Welding circles is easier than plate and pays 4 to 5 times as much
Parent - By Cumminsguy71 (*****) Date 10-19-2011 09:55 Edited 10-20-2011 14:00
Guess that depends, spent 7 days welding plate and made $55/hour, all materials paid for, got per diem for Tommy, and when I say all materials I mean ALL, like my new Airarc and several other things needed for the job. Spent the month before that welding beams at the same rate, I supply consumables. What I made from working 10-12 hour days for a month, you won't here me complaining! LoL!! Actually wish they would call with more of that work!
Up Topic Welding Industry / General Welding Discussion / my first welding internet post

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