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Up Topic Chit-Chat & Non-Welding Discussion / Off-Topic Bar and Grill / Most expensive ashtray
- - By Tommyjoking (****) Date 10-30-2011 17:13
Saw these at a mech contractor the other day.....

Parent - - By grizzzly (**) Date 10-30-2011 17:26
i wonder what's the story

that cant be good
Parent - - By JTMcC (***) Date 10-30-2011 21:07
Not knowing the facts but taking an educated guess I'd say they are probably ashtrays that aren't expensive at all but likely made quite a bit of profit in their time.

Let's say the company buys a (fill in the blank) percentage of extra material for Job A, and a small amount of it is unused so it sets in inventory. Fully paid for (with a small profit) on Job A.
Later, Job B comes along and the flanges are put to use again and added to the job as the (whatever) percent of extra material billed in the bid. Now our flanges have repaid their original purchase price plus profit times 2.
With a little luck the flanges are billed again on Job C, and since they have paid their way in the world they are honorably retired to permanent light duty.

Just hope the tweakers don't realize their scrap value. It would take a huge gang of 112 lb. tweakers to move them tho and everybody knows that crank heads don't function well in organized groups!

Either way, I like them.

Parent - - By Superflux (****) Date 11-03-2011 11:50
Spacer spools for a control valve or other equipment (built and billed!) for pre-start up flushing. And as mentioned now retired to permanent light duty.
Parent - - By scrappywelds (***) Date 01-27-2012 21:02
Last but not least the OOPS factor, wrong size.
Parent - - By jwright650 (*****) Date 01-27-2012 21:09
Just imagine the size of that sewing machine! :eek:
Parent - By rlitman (***) Date 01-30-2012 17:51

Yeah, I've seen the needle.
Parent - By Jaxddad (**) Date 01-29-2012 10:39
Wounder how long they have been setting there? Try that around here and some scraper would help himself to some more weight.
Up Topic Chit-Chat & Non-Welding Discussion / Off-Topic Bar and Grill / Most expensive ashtray

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