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Up Topic Welding Industry / General Welding Discussion / miller maxstar 140 str
- - By mcwelding (**) Date 12-06-2002 02:44
hey guys,
does anyone have or use the maxstar 140 str? i just bought one but havent used it yet. i wanted a small inverter for stick or tig welding those little jobs so i dont have to wrestle with my other stuff. any comments?
Parent - - By DGXL (***) Date 12-06-2002 03:53
They are excellent little TIG welders.
Nice arc.
X-ray quality welds.
Some aerospace companies have gotten rid of the bells and whistles and bought Maxstars for thin gauge materials. (I thought they were kidding when they replaced my AIRCO Heliwelder with a Maxstar). They can be moved easily to any workstation by simply unplugging and walking to the next building. Argon/helium manifolds and power outlets were about the shop. Good for "modular" application such as this.
Did I mention nice arc?

I broke from Blue and now own a Thermalarc 140.
Parent - By swank (*) Date 02-26-2003 06:09
which do you like more and what model thermalarc? going to be getting one soon. checking out lincolns the other day, they have arc force adj. if you get this you can email me directly at thanks for the time
Parent - By Weldmedic (*) Date 12-11-2002 11:56
I have a Maxstar 200. Its a great machine.
Parent - - By BugEyedValiant Date 02-26-2003 23:58
I have one of the old 140s without the remote connection. It is a great little machine. Have done quite a bit smaw and only a little gtaw but I couldnt be happier with it.
Parent - - By swank (*) Date 02-27-2003 01:11
the maxstar 140 or the thermalarc 140?
Parent - By CHUB380 (*) Date 02-27-2003 01:36
I have a 140 also, one before the remote. It is a great machine it works well for stick and tig I would recommend it to anyone. I just used it yesterday to weld up some thin tubing on some school lunch tables. Chub
Parent - - By lake (*) Date 02-27-2003 01:47
The best way to tell (for me) which small inverter was the best was to try each one by burning a stick or two of lincoln 5P (1/8 or 3/32 size). Not all inverters will burn it. Some will only burn 6011. The miller burns that red 5P really well. The small lincoln that I tried a while back didn't like it at all! If it burns 5P well it can handle everything else without a problem( IMHO). I have an AIRCO mini-arc 130 that is one of the first small inverters made. It will not burn 5P. It works well with 6011 and any 7018, and is great with DC TIG. The only drawback is that I have to remember to throw some 6011 on the truck when the inverter goes along. When I purchased the Airco, miller, hobart & thermal were just coming into the market and the airco was by far the most usable unit at that time. I used a friends miller 140 the other day and it was SWEET! If I were buying again, it would be the new miller! Good Luck!
Parent - - By DGXL (***) Date 02-27-2003 02:15
Go Blue.

Upate to my previous comment;
See the numerous-previous-posts on the various brands of of "pocket rocket" Purple/Blue/Red/Yellow,Etc. inverters that:
*run off 110/220
*have "auto link" or equivalent type features
*require low primary power
*produce x-ray quality welds
*provide an excellent (precise/stable, etc.) arc at low amperages
*light weight
*Lot of bang for the $
Parent - By swank (*) Date 02-27-2003 17:50
thanks guys. i appreciate the info.
Up Topic Welding Industry / General Welding Discussion / miller maxstar 140 str

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