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Up Topic Welding Industry / Technical Discussions / A27 Casting Weld
- - By MattF Date 11-16-2011 20:02
I am welding a towing point on an offshore facility.  The material for the bitt is identified as an ASTM A27 steel casting.  It will be welded to ABS Grade EH36 deck plate.  We have weld procedures that we use based on material grouping.  The problem is that neither the version of D1.1 I have (it is old) nor the latest version of B2.1 include A27.  I would think it would be Group I.  Any thoughts would be apprecated.  Thanks.

Parent - - By 803056 (*****) Date 11-17-2011 17:17
ASTM A27 is a cast steel. The chemistry is not controlled to ensure good weldability. It is not prequalified per AWS.

I would recommend you obtain a sample for chemical analysis to determine the chemistry and calculate the minimum preheat using AWS D1.1 Annex I as a guideline. Consider the joint to be highly restrained and the hydrogen control as an H2 if you are using low hydrogen electrodes out of a fresh can or electrode oven.

Give consideration to the sulfur and phosphorus. Make sure their levels are below 0.04%. Lead, copper, and other LMPC can be a concern as well.

Best regards - Al
Parent - By MattF Date 11-18-2011 14:26

Thanks for the feedback.  The extent of the information we were able to obtain indicated the A27 steel casting was that it was "weldable" without any further specificity.  Guidance for using restrainted joint for Annex I approach is much appreciated.  We already typically use H2 for our vac-pack electrodes.  Again, thanks.

Up Topic Welding Industry / Technical Discussions / A27 Casting Weld

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