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Up Topic Welding Industry / General Welding Discussion / Pancake welding shield
- - By aedwelder (*) Date 11-20-2011 21:20
I have been thinking about getting a pancake shield for a while now. I have searched on here and other places on the internet and finding out what I could about them. I was just wanting yalls input on which brand you think is better and why? I know that its a matter of opinion but I can only tell so much by looking at pictures and how they are constructed etc. I was also thinking of getting the model for an auto lens. I was wondering which brand auto lens you guys prefer and why? Is the auto lens is a good idea? I know this subject has been talked about alot, I just do not want to make a bad decision. I was also wondering if the elk skin liners are a good idea or if anyone has tried them?

I have also read on some posts that people had trouble with pancakes fogging up. Does this always happen? Are there ways to prevent this?

Another one of my concerns is eye protection. I have had metal dug out of my eye before and I try to be very careful with my eyes. I have read about the eye glasses at Tom Waters. These are the only glasses I have heard of anyone wearing under a pancake. Are there others? I do not wear glasses, yet. If I get a pancake, would it be a good idea to get a pair of these non-prescription glasses?

I know this is alot of information and alot of questions. Any input you have is greatly appreciated. Thanks for your time.
Parent - By rcwelding (***) Date 11-20-2011 22:32
First off I thought a pancake hood was the stupidest looking thing for ever.  I broke down and bought a Sarges hood. I LOVE IT.  I have a friend with a Wendys and they look identical to each other.  Yes auto lense is the ONLY way to go..!  I do not have the leather and wish I did..!  I wear safety glass on the back of my neck and slip them on when the hood comes off.  I LOVE mine..  You will ether love it and never go back or hate it. It will take some time to get the pancake fit to your face. Be patient.!
Parent - - By Cumminsguy71 (*****) Date 11-20-2011 22:45
I prefer the Wendy's pancake. Have had several good years of use out of it until recently when a bolt for the strap vibrated loose inside the truck. Just a simple repair just need a small bolt and time + remembering what I need when I go the home store. I have dropped mine and all manner of things and it's still going strong. I'm planning to buy another one with an auto lens in it but just don't know if I really want to spend the money.

Why I prefer Wendy's? Well, I looked at the other ones and it looks like a piece of plastic heated and bent to form the L of the hood. I just did not like it personally. Seemed like the Wendy's had a bit more craftsmanship in it. I'm happy with it and tip my hat to the folks at Wendy's for a good product. I've attached a few pic's.

Fogging up? I have used mine in cold, hot and such and don't recall it ever fogging up. Now, my miller digital elite, yeah, it has fogged up on me several times and is the reason I have been looking at a speedglas, but that's a different subject. If it were to fog up though there are plenty of anti fogging products out there.

Eye protection-

Well here's my take. The eyeglasses that they sell at Tom Waters on my face for protecting my eyes would be a tiny step above wearing nothing at all. No side protection and look like something John Lennon would have worn. Don't take this wrong, I am not saying anything about the quality of the glasses at Tom Waters just me personally and in my experience it would not take long wearing them and I'd be back at the eye doctor. I have been to see them some 15, 16 times. From the tiny drill for rust spots and even had an on call surgeon "flick" a piece of metal out of my eye with a hypodermic needle, now that was a steady hand.....and she was easy on the eyes too! Literally!!:lol: Everytime I go the doc says, "you need to consider wearing eye protection". When I tell him I was wearing safety glasses, shield or recently goggles, yes I said goggles! Wind blew, piece richochet of my cheek, under the goggle and into my eye. Was able to dig that out at home though! When I used my pancake I had a pair of safety glasses hanging near me, hood up, safety glasses, grind/wire and then off, hood down and weld. Took a few more seconds but kept me from going to the eye doc.

Now, I mostly wear my miller, hate the sun getting in behind me inside the hood but until I get the new Wendy's with the auto lens that's how I'll work it. Don't know what to tell you about the lens though. Seems maybe some are using one from Airgas? Maybe some others will respond with more info. Hope this helps,

Parent - - By ruero (**) Date 11-21-2011 02:22
I do prefer Wendy's over the others I have had, seems a bit more quality and workmanship and price is very reasonable. Now he also makes one that is ANZI Z87 approved for only like 6 bucks more than the regular price.
I have used the Jackson Executive auto lens and have had very good luck, bit more $$ than others but never has let me down and I like the shade adjustment. You make sure to give the total thickness with clears, cheater and auto whatever combination you may have to Dave when ordering. The elk skins are nice, much better than wood against your face, of course i'll be bias my wife has made them for Dave for a few years now. Good luck on your choice.
Parent - - By Cumminsguy71 (*****) Date 11-21-2011 02:34
Yeah, as you may have noticed I have some of your wifes handy work on mine! I have to say, never tried just wood to my face. I bought the shield, the elk skins and never looked back. Elk skins are great! Tell your wife thank you from me ruero!
Parent - - By ruero (**) Date 11-21-2011 19:34
I will let her know thanks
Parent - By JeremyW83 (***) Date 11-21-2011 20:43
I have both a Sarge and a Wendy.  I havent finished shaping the Wendy to my face yet.  But part of the reason I bought it was I saw the extra construction support on the side sheild.  also the price was like 75 or so.  A few weeks earlier I was at a Matheson Tri-Gas and they had Sarges on the wall and the price was 113 I about shat myself.

Auto lenses I have 2 different kinds on is an ArcOne that I picked up from Cleburne Welding supply in Texas oh and you sign an acknowledgement of warranty when you buy one.  It says that if the lense is cracked, shattered or has splatter on it the warranty is void. ;  The other is a Nova make by the Optrel theyare made in Switzerland.  A bit pricey and it started flickering constantly when I wasnt welding.
Parent - By DaveBoyer (*****) Date 11-23-2011 05:26
I have an old Arc One "Singles" auto lense. It must be over 10 years old by now and still works, but this is in a home shop setting, not daily use outdoors and bouncing around in a truck. It has 2 sensors, and works reliably unless they are both blocked. Some others have 4 sensors.
Parent - By J Hall (***) Date 11-23-2011 12:00
I have a shade 10 Miller lens it is solar, so you don't need to turn it on.
Parent - - By aedwelder (*) Date 11-23-2011 17:45
Do yall normally put a clear lens in front and behind the shaded or auto lens? Is it a good idea to put the gaskets/spacers between the lenses to keep them off of each other?
Parent - By J Hall (***) Date 11-23-2011 23:45
Clear in front and a cheater in the back.
Parent - By Sourdough (****) Date 12-11-2011 03:26
I cut my budget a little, so I have been using paper plates with a hole cut out for a number 11 lens, (for all occasions), and I hired the retarded fella from the coin op to hold it in front of my face at all times. The combination doesnt work as well as I would like it to, but I don't yet resemble Freddy Krueger, and I figure I'm saving roughly 49 cents per hour doing it this way. Next, I plan on cutting the budget a little more and using a team of dogs to get me to and from locations with a ranger 250, and some mapgas bottles for the bigger fixes. If that doesn't work out, I'm gonna do like Nabors and just quit paying everybody, hoard the money and fly first class.......
- - By hillbilly delux (***) Date 11-21-2011 21:31
I've owned a sarges and a wendys both and I always go back to a wendys. The sarges is just a tad bit lighter but I think the wendys is made just alittlebit better. The original pancake which is the one that is continous formed and wraps around. They tend to catch in the wind to much unless you cut them down. I have used the elkskin but I preffer to use it without. Just make sure you take the time to get a good fit but for the extra ten bucks or so go ahead and order it along with your wendys hood and then when you get it shaped you can decide whether to use the elk skin liner or not. I took the side plate off my  Original pancake (that keeps the lens from sliding out of the socket) and modified it to fit on my wendys. As far as a lens goes and I havent researched the new stuff lately because I've had my Arc One for the last five years and it is still going strong. I dont carry a pair safety glasses bacuse you can grind and use a bead wheel while looking through your lens with out it flickering on or off (Most of the time). I use a number 9 or a 10 shade. The nine is just light enough that if it does flick on and your outside theres enough light that you can still see what your grinding.
Parent - - By hillbilly (**) Date 11-23-2011 12:15
Do get the 2x4 auto lens. I've got an ARC ONE shade 10 1/2. Its 3+ years old and still going strong. I keep a piece of black tape stuck to the side of my shield. The reason being is when I know that I'll be doing alot of oxy/fuel cutting, I put the tape across the sensors to trick it into staying in the off mode.
Im getting ready to buy the adjustable shade 2x4 lens, next time I'm by the LWS.
Parent - - By Rafter_G_Weldin (***) Date 11-23-2011 15:49
What are auto lenses going for these days?
Parent - - By JeremyW83 (***) Date 11-23-2011 19:56
Usually 80 to over 200 for the adjustable ones.  I went with ones in the mid range.  I really like the ArcOne that I have right now have no complaints.
Parent - By scrappywelds (***) Date 11-24-2011 03:41
I have a Arc-One shade 11 in a cut down pipeliner, I have had it 4 years and going strong.
Parent - - By Rafter_G_Weldin (***) Date 11-24-2011 06:18
Thanks Jeremy
Parent - By J Hall (***) Date 11-24-2011 14:35
Here's what I've got. it was 80 in Gillette when I got it.  77 from Ram welding
- - By Nitrowelding (**) Date 11-30-2011 02:28
my pancake has never fogged up but... My stinkin glasses fog up while wearing it early in the morning and anytime the humidity is high. It's just one of the disadvantages but i belive the advantages far outweigh the negetives. As for auto lenses I started using a radnor brand, its more clear than my arc one, just as reliabe so far. If you are going to use an auto you need to shim the lenses inside of the hood. If not the clear lens can slide back far enuff to let spatter get on your auto. Ive seen everything from cardboard to custom blocks of wood, I use the little plastic spacers that come with 2" 150# gaskets. They fit perfect, I'll try to add some pics
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Attachment: DSC00640.JPG (104k)
Parent - - By Cactusthewelder (*****) Date 11-30-2011 21:00
Radnor is the Exclusive Brand os Airgas. Those lens are made by ARC ONE at half the price.
Parent - - By Pickupman (***) Date 11-30-2011 22:50 Edited 12-01-2011 02:37
Arc one must be private labeling for several companies. I bought one with a Miller :red: label and in little print it said made by ArcOne. About 80$.
Parent - - By Cactusthewelder (*****) Date 12-01-2011 00:05
Your right. Funny thing is if you buy an ARC ONE brand its about 150.00. They had to get very low on the price of the Miller lens just to get people to buy something with Miller written on it !
Parent - - By J Hall (***) Date 12-01-2011 01:55
At least you can't see the miller label once it is in the hood.
Parent - By Pickupman (***) Date 12-01-2011 02:37
Ya and it doesn't show from the front either.:grin::grin:
Parent - - By Rafter_G_Weldin (***) Date 12-02-2011 03:13
i found an arc one on ebay shade 12 for 50. How good are they and how dark will a 12 be
Parent - By DaveBoyer (*****) Date 12-02-2011 03:24 Edited 12-02-2011 03:27
A #12 is about like if You had a monkey hood on backwards in a cave at night. My #10 Arc One has held up well.
Parent - - By Cactusthewelder (*****) Date 12-02-2011 05:55
Arc One is a very good lens. I like a #9 or #10. 12 is to dark for me. But, I'm half blind anyway
Parent - By weldwade (***) Date 12-02-2011 23:52
X2 on the Arc One they are very good quality and dependable. #12 is way too dark for me outside; no way I could use it inside a shop. I use a #10 most of the time and #9 with low amperage situations. I have a fixed #10 Jackson EQC auto in my newer pancake. My old pancake has an old Lincoln lens that is also a #10 but compared to what you can get now days would be more like a shade 11. My old pancake can't use an auto, it won’t fit. I am also half blind... good thing my left eye is still in decent shape!
Parent - By Rafter_G_Weldin (***) Date 12-03-2011 18:02
Ok thanks ill look for a 10
Up Topic Welding Industry / General Welding Discussion / Pancake welding shield

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