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Up Topic Welding Industry / General Welding Discussion / Vantage BEWARE!
- - By TRC (***) Date 11-26-2011 12:01
I had a concern in the past about using my Vantage for in-sercice welding on live gas mains. My concern was that the remote may get moved to max output by mistake or rough handling in the trench causing a burn thru.  Well it happened, I blew a .22 cal hole in a piece of 6",.156 wall while preparing for my in-service requal at Claysville. Just glad it wasn't a live main. The remote didn't get bumped but the red wire going into the pot on the remote broke which sent 300 amps into my 3/32. Can't wait to get my Redface back from the shop- Ted
Parent - - By J Hall (***) Date 11-26-2011 15:29
I think there was an update that changed remote operation so that you could set the upper limit of the remote using the dial on the machine.
Parent - - By Cactusthewelder (*****) Date 11-26-2011 15:32
You are right ! The Newer Vantage machines have that option although MOST are not aware of it. It can be added to the Older Vantage machines
Parent - - By Tommyjoking (****) Date 11-26-2011 19:55
Ted   I am glad it was not a live line too!:eek:
Parent - By TRC (***) Date 11-26-2011 20:31
ME TOO Tommy! Jhall and Cact your are correct. The main board has to be replaced to up date an older machine-$1K update.
Parent - - By matt002 Date 11-26-2011 22:29
Sorry to hear about your bad experience TRC.  I use my Vantage 300 with remote everyday on live gas mains ranging from 3/4" to 20" pipe and up to 960psi line pressure. I have yet to have any issues and I love my Vantage.  My Vantage is a '10 model, we also have an '05 model that the board keeps going out on, three times so far.  Our local Lincoln rep said, as of last week,  the boards from newer model vantages ('09 and newer) cannot be retrofit to older vantages, that's just what we were told.
Parent - By RUSSELL (**) Date 11-28-2011 01:30
Love my 2010 300 Vantage.
Up Topic Welding Industry / General Welding Discussion / Vantage BEWARE!

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