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Up Topic Welding Industry / General Welding Discussion / how many fitters does it take?
- - By makeithot (***) Date 11-27-2011 01:41 Edited 11-27-2011 01:56
LMAO the last couple days finished all the straight runs now into some of the tie in's . In the old days two fitters would have been enough to stay ahead of one welder such is not the case any more, I got five all have calculators no two can get the same answer twice had to cut this particular piece apart three times before I went up and measured it out myself with a string line and a tape. I was told it could not be done and the best comment was when I tried to explain it to them that " just because I have been doing this for 30 years we don't have to listen to everything you say"  How does one respond to that? If they were working for me directly the solution would have been easy but as it stands they are still trying to figure out how I did that with a string and tape.
Had to add those cabin shots just cause they make me feel good.
Attachment: IMG_0275tiein-1.jpg (614k)
Attachment: IMG_0277tiein.jpg (50k)
Attachment: IMG_0257cabinshot.jpg (48k)
Attachment: IMG_0255sundown.jpg (33k)
Parent - By Cumminsguy71 (*****) Date 11-27-2011 02:27
Looks good! How do you reply, something like this perhaps, "Don't have to listen to me? Well, seems I got done with one string line and tape measure in one try and you 5 rockets scientists could not get done in 3 tries with all your calculating power". Have to put lots of emphasis on the sarcasm and especially on the smart arse!!
Parent - - By weldwade (***) Date 11-27-2011 03:46
If someone is not willing to learn because they are too stupid or proud. The way I feel about that is they can go lick their nuts in the corner! I wont waste my time teaching them a darn thing. I have and will continue to learn from those that have something to teach that is useful no matter who is teaching.
Parent - - By TozziWelding (**) Date 11-27-2011 15:28
We usually fit our own stuff like that, (looks like a steam line) in the plant I do shutdowns in. That can be fit with a tape and 2 squares, or the old string and a tape trick.
Parent - By Sberry (***) Date 11-27-2011 15:45
I kind of got to agree with the sentiment here, pretty much looks like something a first year apprentice plumber armed with a metric crescent wrench and a 6 pack should be able to figure out. Might even be able to skip the tape, hold a stick up, mark to length with a pencil and cut a pipe the same length as the stick.
Parent - By Cumminsguy71 (*****) Date 11-27-2011 17:45
I agree. Worked with an old pipeline welder a few days ago, in his 70's! We talked for about 30 minutes while he took lunch. I listened intently to what he talked about. I've been welding this roof top pipe for years now but always look forward to learning from guys with more experience than I. To tell a guy, "We don't need to listen to you" to someone that has 30 years experience doing this stuff is just stupid and I would find it hard to work with somebody like that(the dumb fitters). Just to openly claim that you(dumb fitters) know everything especially when they've screwed up what appears to be a pretty simple layout.
Parent - - By sparksandslag (**) Date 11-27-2011 21:24
My reply to those idiots would be," BOY, God gave you one mouth and two ears---use them in that ratio and you just might learn something."  I don't even consider myself to be anything better than a fair to middling dobber, but all I have learned about welding has come from listening to men who I consider to be CRAFTSMEN in the trade, and at 65 years old, I still will listen to anyone who will impart his knowledge to me---young or old.
Parent - - By JeremyW83 (***) Date 11-29-2011 01:10
My fitter and I have been fixing a bunch of 2" SS that was so fubar'd my fitter was ready to quit.  He said he needed to get drunk the last few nights just to get in the frame of mind every morning.  He's in his 50s been doing this stuff since he was like 18.  Learning something from him everyday.
Parent - By scrappywelds (***) Date 11-29-2011 02:27
Sounds like a definate W.A.S.P moment ( Welders Against Stupid Pipefitters ).
Parent - By rcwelding (***) Date 11-29-2011 10:43
I will say this.  A GOOD fitter is VERY under rated.  Im working with an old welder/fitter now. The pipe we are doing looks like a dozen snakes tangled up with 26 valves in 15ft.  That son of a gun sits there with a tape measure and a note pad and he draws it all out.  One pipe had four 45s  five 90s and had to flang up in 3 places at 3 different hights and angles.  We built it or more like he fit and I welded it. That thing fit perfect.  I have A LOT to learn...! !
Up Topic Welding Industry / General Welding Discussion / how many fitters does it take?

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