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Up Topic Welding Industry / General Welding Discussion / Gas Preferred??
- - By KennyCalJr (*) Date 12-02-2011 23:27
Input: 240 volts, 24.5 amps, single phase, 60 Hz
Rated output current: 30 to 160 amps
Rated output voltage: 18 volts @ 110 amps
Max open circuit voltage: 19-30 volts
Duty cycle: 15% @ 110 amps
Wire capacity: 0.023" to 0.030"& 0.035"
Wire feed rate: 192 to 306 inches per minute
Weldable materials: Mild steel, low alloy steel, and stainless steel (not suitable for aluminum)
Material thickness: MIG: 22 gauge (1/4" thick), FCAW: 22 gauge (5/16" thick)

GAS: 75 / 25 OR 95 / 5
what would be better with this machine???
Parent - By weldwade (***) Date 12-03-2011 00:10
15% at 110 amps is a very low duty cycle and 18 volts is not enough juice for .035 IMO. The only reason you would need 95/5 is for spray transfer. The machine you listed does not have the power or IPM output to achieve spray with .035 wire. If you are worried about spray transfer you should consider a different machine unless you are wanting to weld with .023 on sheet metal only. 75/25 is the less expensive gas in my area and it will work just fine for a light duty MIG like the one listed.
Parent - By strother (***) Date 12-03-2011 01:17
I agree with weldwade. 95/5 is for spray transfer and you are not going to have near enough voltage for that. I would go with 75/25.
Parent - By Superflux (****) Date 12-03-2011 03:50
Of the choices listed, 75/25. Due to the reasons stated by the other respondents.
If it were me, I'd take a look at going 100% Co2, for the cheapest gas. It is a bit more spatter, but if you do not have to follow a PQR or WPS. Last time I bought gasses, Co2 was about 1/2 the price of mixed gas.
That would also depend on the specific FCAW wire you are using on the type of gas allowed.
- By KennyCalJr (*) Date 12-03-2011 21:21
thank's guys for your Input! u guys rock! have a good weekend.............
Up Topic Welding Industry / General Welding Discussion / Gas Preferred??

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