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Up Topic Welding Industry / General Welding Discussion / Never mind the fitters who runs this show
- - By makeithot (***) Date 12-03-2011 01:37
It's all good on my end but you have to wonder how some guy's get there boots on in the morning. From day one I have been asking how are we going to look after weld tracking etc and have been told not to worry about it. Now job is almost done lost track of how many welds 800 + forman is in a panic cause surprise surprise the clients engineer came by to look at the progress and wants weld maps etc, for all the pipe that is now in place. lucky for me I have got a bunch of fitters available that can't read a tape and  have nothing better to do then climb around on an ice covered pipe rack scraping frost to find heat numbers etc. Would you not think that as a piping forman that at some date in time someone would want this info LMAO.
Parent - - By Tommyjoking (****) Date 12-03-2011 01:41
Long as you get a check for the joints you did.  Stupid is as stupid does.
Parent - - By makeithot (***) Date 12-03-2011 01:47
Oh ya payed by the hour and loving every minute direct deposit so checks are in the bank before I even get home 24 hours after I hand in my invoice  it's the only thing thats keeping me here. And the of course the entertainment .
Parent - By SPARKYCA (**) Date 12-03-2011 04:22
Yes, always good to have some entertainment. The job I'm on now, our supervisor has us going so fast we're actually going backwards. ie : not enough prefab in the shop so we are finishing spools on site in snow storm & wind.  100 % x-ray so we get kicked around the site to avoid them. But as long as the check is good I'll be there too.  :grin:
Parent - - By hillbilly delux (***) Date 12-03-2011 07:58 Edited 12-03-2011 08:16

   Its not my purpose to down you in this thread. But if you already knew better then take it upon yourself to shine. (companys take notice to that) Do us all a favor and step up to the plate.
Parent - - By hillbilly delux (***) Date 12-03-2011 08:23
Maybe then you could be a pipe forman too:twisted:
Parent - - By 2006strat (***) Date 12-03-2011 14:37
Personally I would rather get my welds x-rayed so I know where I stand.
Parent - By makeithot (***) Date 12-05-2011 01:37
No xray on this gig air and hydro test only and all has passed.
Parent - - By makeithot (***) Date 12-05-2011 01:35
Did that already, but if there not asking I'm not offering which is not the norm for me but with these guy's it is a long story but someone else will get the credit for the work not me it is the way they roll. I do hear what you are saying though.
Parent - - By 803056 (*****) Date 12-06-2011 21:10
I learn early in my career that it doesn't pay to tell the foreman he's an idiot or do something that will make him look like an idiot at a later date. Do as instructed and collect the overtime when the crap hits the fan. Nothing wrong with asking the questions, but it is his ball game and as the employee it is my responsibility to follow his direction unless I know it is safety related.

I can't recollect how many times I heard:

"You don't need to keep it hot once you drive the moisture out of the steel."

"You don't need to keep the low-hi in an oven if you heat it by shorting it out against the steel before welding with it."

"You don't need to chip all the slag, the next pass will burn it out."

"You don't need to back gouge that deep, you will burn out any garbage with the first pass if you burn it hot."

The list of stupidity is endless and best forgotten.

Best regards - Al
Parent - - By TimGary (****) Date 12-08-2011 09:14
You're right Al!
Sounds like we've worked  at the same places.
Parent - - By Tommyjoking (****) Date 12-09-2011 02:13
You don't need to back gouge that deep, you will burn out any garbage with the first pass if you burn it hot."

That is my favorite.  Just like "oh don't fill those gouge marks just  fit it in there and weld it up"  That is great as long as you are not the guy cutting it off next time.
Parent - By Shane Feder (****) Date 12-10-2011 11:49
Ha Ha Ha Al,
The "List of Stupidity" obviously applies worldwide as I have heard those exact quotes - word for word countless times all over the Southern Hemisphere.
I say Southern Hemisphere as it sounds much more sophisticated than " Down Under". LOL !
Best wishes to yourself and the rest of the forum and all the best for 2012,
Parent - By MetalGirlie Date 12-13-2011 03:01
I've only been welding for @ 4 years.  I had visions of learning proper technique, adhering to spec, blah blah blah...  Instead I've encountered formen who want shortcuts, co-workes that run way too hot for their material at hand so they can pound in the wire and just get it done, don't even ask about how stainless gets handled.  Plus, the politics, the lack of communication, engineering's ivory tower...  My bubble of perfection is definately burst.  But, alas, I love what I do and the people I do it with, so that helps me tolerate the people I do it for.
Up Topic Welding Industry / General Welding Discussion / Never mind the fitters who runs this show

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