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Up Topic Welding Industry / General Welding Discussion / AR 500
- - By weldwade (***) Date 12-03-2011 01:57
I got a really great deal on a very lightly used sheet of 1/2" AR500, it was free... It was a chute liner that aparently would not work for the aplication. Going to build a wood stove for the shop out of it. My question is has anyone ever TIG welded 1/2" AR500? I have mig/stick welded miles of AR plate with ER70S-6 and xx18 or xxx18 with preheat. The only visible exterior welds would be where the top meets the body of the stove, fillet weld. All the other exterior welds will be ground. The inside will be mig welded with 100% fillets. Just a though for aesthetics only no other reason. I have a pile of 1/8" 70S-2 left over from another project and was thinking of using it for the top.

What do you guys think? I really don't think it would crack but I have never tried it. Planning on making a cupon and subjecting it to some rose bud abuse to give me some peace of mind that I am not wasting my time for appearances. Just want it to look good in the corner of the shop. What do you all think? I know... I may be a little off my rocker here...
Parent - By Cactusthewelder (*****) Date 12-03-2011 03:20
We weld a ton of AR plate. We always use 120-18 per the engineer
- - By hillbilly delux (***) Date 12-03-2011 02:53 Edited 12-03-2011 02:58

yeah your getting into left field. you'll be fine. Throw that butterfly weave around there and have no worry or your pulse tig and dip method. ER 70 s should do the trick. No pressure No worry
Parent - - By Superflux (****) Date 12-03-2011 04:15 Edited 12-03-2011 04:18

That is a waste of AR500!!!!! I used to make gongs and silhouettes for target shooters out of that and scrap Hardox drops from mines and fab shops. Gun nuts (like me) loved the dinosaur, buffalo and other "dangerous game" critters I would cut out. the "Anaconda" was especially challenging. People pay extra for the fancy stuff, then you can buy some scrap, less crack prone A36.
But to answer your question, ER 70 S with a 250 preheat should do just fine. Especially for something going through heat cycles. Peen your welds to stress relieve.
Parent - - By weldwade (***) Date 12-03-2011 04:47
Fortunatly I have an endless supply... well maybe not endless but we go through several thousand tons anually. Don't worry im with you on AR targets and have made many and I am quite certain I will make many more. The one I made for myself is of an elk out of 30mm hardox 450. The body is 20" tall and takes 300 Weatherby rounds like a champ! I love the ring it reports back.
Parent - By Superflux (****) Date 12-03-2011 12:48
Oh yeah, I forgot that you have the mine freebies going for you. I miss my mining days only for the unlimited scrap metal and free coal. I had a VERY warm shop all winter.
TIG is really fun on the wear iron. Lots of strange looking little swirlies/colors dancing around in the puddle. Especially at 250+ amps with 3/16 tungsten. Must be the manganese creating the '60s "Jefferson Airplane" light show/acid trip.
After you try it, you might want to TIG the whole thing out just for the flash back.....
Up Topic Welding Industry / General Welding Discussion / AR 500

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