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Up Topic Welding Industry / Processes / Chapter "N" AISC Bolting Acceptance Requirements
- - By FabsForLife (*) Date 12-08-2011 15:27
Hey guys I was trying to get an idea on what some of you are doing to comply with Table N5.6-3 for the new chapter (N) requirement of the 2010 AISC Specifications. It states a need to document acceptance or rejection of bolted connections. Are you filling out separate reports for bolts for each piece? We use TC bolts and pre-tension them no matter the design requirements. We verify them per RCSC when recieved. I guess it comes down to someone's interpretation of "document".
Parent - By welderbrent (*****) Date 12-09-2011 04:27
And how is this to be different from a properly filled out inspection report in the first place.  All connections the inspector examines should be documented for location, type, bolt grade, tightening method, and any other pertinent information in order for any other inspector to verify or follow up with future inspections.

I would agree, it comes down to interpreting 'document'.  But I really see little true change except in the code's wording.

Have a Great Day,  Brent
Up Topic Welding Industry / Processes / Chapter "N" AISC Bolting Acceptance Requirements

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