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Up Topic Welding Industry / General Welding Discussion / Torchmate
- - By low_hydrogen (**) Date 12-08-2011 19:52
Anybody have one?  I was looking at buying the torchmate 3 with aluminium gantry.  Pros, cons?

I'm sure there are better tables out there but this one fits my budget and my shop, waterjet is a little out of my league on price.
just interested in cutting more percise parts for my personal fabrication projects

I'm sure if a guy was cutting a lot of parts inches per minute would be an issue. I'm more concerned with reliability and the life of the machine etc.

Parent - By cmays (***) Date 12-08-2011 20:09
You're just asking for trouble with aluminum gantries. The heat will make it move all over. I run a Dynatorch with a Hypertherm 1650 plasma, Oxy/fuel, and air scribe. Drop side tables are the way to go for easy loading from the side with a forklift. We run ours all day everyday and maintain accuracy within .005 wich is great for plasma in general
Parent - - By pocket change (**) Date 12-10-2011 06:36
I have exactly what cmays has. love it hands down. if you want quaility in a plasma table buy dynatorch. they are the best at plasma. torchmate is one step above plasma cam IMO. Mine is an 08 model no troubles other than operator error. buy the biggest cutter you can afford is my only advice other than dynatorch.
Parent - By cmays (***) Date 12-10-2011 16:25
Not to mention you get a lifetime of free tech support one phone call away. I'm looking at getting the fourth axis hooked up here in the next month to cut pipe up to 14". Nice thing about it is my machine already has all the software ready for all of Thor attachments. Takes about half a day to hook up the hardware and we will be cnc cutting pipe. Really simple.
Up Topic Welding Industry / General Welding Discussion / Torchmate

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