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Up Topic Welding Industry / General Welding Discussion / improving finish on stainless sheet
- - By bzzzzzzzzzz (**) Date 12-12-2002 23:11
Is there any way to refine the finish on 304 stainless sheet in #4 brushed finish. angle grinder with buffing media? If so would it take an eternity to get rid of the brush lines? This seems to be the finish readily available to me, but I'd like a smoother one. I was thinking of buffing the sheet just prior to bending it.
Parent - By dee (***) Date 12-14-2002 21:12
Its a bit out of my field, but perhaps electropolishing? The process might present a bunch of other issues but I understand its one used commonly in manufacture of stainless cookware, etc. Check with an electroplating service to see if they can electropolish for you, and for goodness sake consider metalurgical issues on the alloy you'll be using if the size of the piece and cost are not prohibitive.

I've found stainless very difficult to polish by[expedient] mechanical means

Parent - By Niekie3 (***) Date 12-16-2002 11:06
Companies like 3M produce a host of mechanical polishing products for S/Steel. It is however a specialist field, and for exacting applications I would send it to the specialist S/Steel finishing shops.

Try their website: and place "polishing steel" into the search box. You will find a lot of possibilities.

Niekie Jooste

Up Topic Welding Industry / General Welding Discussion / improving finish on stainless sheet

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