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Up Topic Chit-Chat & Non-Welding Discussion / Off-Topic Bar and Grill / As the US Presidential elections nears....
- - By jon20013 (*****) Date 01-19-2012 22:56
I will take a long break from our Forum, so sick over the past few elections at reading all of the ignorant political blathering.

I'm neither Democrat nor Republican nor any of the offshoot parties, but just get sick of the bickering.  There's a time and place and people are well entitled to their opinions, I just don't feel ANY of the threads in the AWS Forum are the place for it.

As an American who now lives overseas. I can truly understand why so many "non-Americans" hate Americans as it seems we hate each other.  A very sad statement.
Parent - By Lawrence (*****) Date 01-19-2012 23:55
Bon Voyage Jon.

It's sad we can't/don't/wont' play nice.. 

Especially because politics are very directly related to our trade and it's growth or lack of it.

I'll miss you, so come back as soon as you can stomach us again.   :)
Parent - By TimGary (****) Date 01-20-2012 12:07
I hear you Jon.
It seems to be getting worse and worse, lots and lots of BS.
There are three saving graces though...
1. The ignore function allows us to not see any posts from the problem children. My ignore list is getting pretty long..
2. The OTB&G keeps a lot of the BS off the main page. I wish some posts would be erased all together, but understand the difficulties involved with trying to separate moderation with opinion based censorship.
3. There are still far more completely worthwhile, helpful and educational posts than the BS ones. That's what keeps me coming back.

Also, we have the option of not even opening posts with obviously leading topic titles. It's like trying hard not to rubber neck at a car wreck on the side of the road, but a lot easier when the ignore function is used.

Your helpful input is appreciated.
Please reconsider.

Tim Gary
Parent - - By SMTatham (**) Date 01-20-2012 16:40
Hasn't been too much politico jabbering here lately..........I almost feel compelled to start a Ron Paul booster thread just to validate your departure..........
Parent - - By Jaxddad (**) Date 01-21-2012 11:15
Now thats funny thanks I needed a laugh
Parent - - By joe pirie (***) Date 01-21-2012 14:48
he's the best the fn republicians have to offer
Parent - - By Cumminsguy71 (*****) Date 01-21-2012 15:46
I enjoy reading the political posts. Some are wildly to the left, some to the right. Are they all 100% accurate? Not likely. Since I don't read a newspaper and don't have much time to sit and watch the blabbering on the idiot box about the latest polls and so on it seems I read when I'm here.
Parent - By SMTatham (**) Date 01-21-2012 16:55's how I see it:  I am not a fan on either party.  However I AM a fan of a true constitutional republic form of government. Examine the records or any politician on the hill today and you will find Ron Paul's RECORD is rock solid in his allegiance and defense of the constitution.  You may not like him; that's OK you don't have to!!  But if you cherish liberty and want smaller government with less intrusion into your personal have to respect his stance on those issues.

For the reasonable to agree and those not so inclined to ponder
Parent - - By SMTatham (**) Date 01-21-2012 16:59
"he's the best the fn republicians have to offer"

I take from that remark you are proud of the "best the democrats had to offer" that currently is wasting space in the WHite House??
Parent - By joe pirie (***) Date 01-21-2012 18:02
No i think the man currently in the whitehouse is far and away the worse president we have
ever had or will have!!  I was a democrat the day i was born . Odumba turned me into a republician.
What a dilema the unions have  who do we give our money to now that ole Hussein stabbed us in the back , stay tuned
this craps just getten warmed up lmao
Parent - - By DaveBoyer (*****) Date 01-22-2012 01:40
He MAY BE the best man for the job, but We need someone who can win the general election...
Parent - - By SMTatham (**) Date 01-22-2012 01:59
It's time to stop settling for the lesser of the two evils, or promoting a patsy establishment candidate who seems "electable"; and simply DO the right thing and elect the best man for the job.  For years we have been mired down with mediocre leadership; it's time for a REAL change.  Not an "electable" guy, not someone who is running because it's "their turn", but a candidate with conviction and courage.
Parent - By DaveBoyer (*****) Date 01-22-2012 02:09
There is quite a difference between VOTING for the best man for the job and ELECTING the best man for the job.

If Your prefered candidate can not win the general election, You may as well have not voted at all.

I agree We have not had great leadership in quite a while, but We would be better off with the SECOND best man for the job than with the SIXTH best man for the job.
Parent - - By J Hall (***) Date 01-22-2012 14:48 Edited 01-22-2012 17:46
It seems to me that they are pinning their hopes on guys that couldn't win the primary the last election. So the guy that couldn't get enough votes to be the nominee last time is going to Save the world this time?  If they cannot come up with someone/something to get people excited, it will be 4 more years of what we have now.
Obama has the majority, and he didn't even need it to win the first time.  The republicans had time to try and get someone with something real to offer and sat around whining about how bad the Democrats were. ( But never really saying why.)
Now the primaries are here and they are whining about how bad the other candidates are.
Obama won a lot of support with a message, now matter how abstract and empty. The people liked it even though they weren't sure what it is.

This is a society that wants a new TV, vehicle, house, etc. not because the old one doesn't work, but because the new on is new. So then change must be good even if they don't know what it is, because it is new and different.

That is why Ford has been able to sell diesel pickups that won't run for several years. "The new ones must be good"

Sure can't type well, it's better now after the edit
Parent - By DaveBoyer (*****) Date 01-23-2012 03:30
It is a lot like "Lets Make A Deal" the old TV show. Do You want what is behind door 1,2 or 3?
Parent - - By Joseph P. Kane (****) Date 01-21-2012 16:50

It is mostly on the OTBG!!! One persons "ignorant political blathering" is another persons good information.  Sure it may be sickening or depressing to you, but you do not have to read it. Opinions are like anuses, everyone has one.

I think it would be disingenuous of you to use this as a reason / excuse to take a hiatus from the Forum!

Joe Kane
Parent - - By Cumminsguy71 (*****) Date 01-21-2012 17:31
Bravo!! Well said Joe, where's the big clapping smiley at when you need it. Kinda how I felt, nobody's holding a gun to your head saying, "read this or else". Oh darn, I've done it now. Having a heated political debate and here I've brought guns into we're screwed.
Parent - - By Pickupman (***) Date 01-21-2012 19:03 Edited 01-21-2012 19:05
Hmmm. I thought settling political debates was what guns were invented for.:twisted:

Not that I think that sort of thing is right. Just saying.
Parent - By joe pirie (***) Date 01-21-2012 19:29
this country needs a revolution
Parent - - By Joseph P. Kane (****) Date 01-21-2012 19:41
Shawn, Tom

Right!  Now that you mentioned the "G" word and the "P" word in the same sentence, you will likely be placed on the FBI watch list by some anonymous "Big Brother" computer program.

I hope you get to fly back home before they also include you on the "No-Fly" list.

Aluminum foil in the hard hat may help!

Joe Kane
Parent - By Pickupman (***) Date 01-21-2012 21:12
Parent - - By Cumminsguy71 (*****) Date 01-21-2012 23:06

The things I've said in public and on the web I'd venture to guess that one of my neighbors is not really a GM employee or Retired but actually a "G" man placed to watch me and get to know me!

I'm WAY past the "list"!!!! Hahahaha!!!!:lol::lol::lol:
Parent - - By Tommyjoking (****) Date 01-21-2012 23:23
You want to get on the list?  Nuclear weapons grade fuel, effective enrichment methods, anatomy of atomic weapons, how to build a homemade nuke, Ruby Ridge, gun rights, revolution, Karl Marx, WACO, rights of private militias in the United States.

Well I guess I just blew my chances of getting that red badge!   I guess I will aluminum foil my house now so they cannot use their mind control machines on me in my sleep! LOL.
Parent - - By Cumminsguy71 (*****) Date 01-21-2012 23:41
Also "Mein Kampf", "The Anarchist Cookbook" or a copy of the Quran and a shed full of manure might might raise some eyebrows.
Parent - - By Tommyjoking (****) Date 01-22-2012 00:15 Edited 01-22-2012 00:17
There is some cool stuff in that can walk into any grocery store and just get regular stuff and make a decent facsimile for dynamite or napalm!   I remember something about crystal drano, a party balloon and XBXBXBXB and you had a two minute self fused firebomb with no electronics or fire.   Someone gave me a chemistry set when I was a kid and I remember making something that smoked that burned your eyes and nose....we had to clear out the house and put fans in the windows for about an hour to clear it out but we smelled it for days.  Well you can guess what my Mom did with the chemistry set.   I reckon I could look it up, but I wonder what is in those model rocket engines...I think it is simple stuff but dang does it burn violently.  Heck household chemicals are dangerous as all get out...I had a long talk with my family about ammonia and bleach after one bathroom cleaning incident.  

Where can you buy pure hunks of sodium?  I would like to show my kids that cool is it to take a hunk of lead like metal, get it wet and it self destructs.

Were is that tennis ball cannon, I want to go play now.
Parent - - By Cumminsguy71 (*****) Date 01-22-2012 00:22
My cousin was making his own black powder when he was 12, fireworks and larger than M80 type ceramic explosives. Went to the store and bought salt peter, sulpher and burned old wooden matches for the carbon and experimented with his own recipe until he got it right. Seems we wandered the woods for awhile until we found a large tree, 18-24" diameter or larger with a hole in it. My cousin placed his homemade demo charge, lit it and we ran like crazy. After a very large boom the tree creaked, groaned and then fell. We just stood there laughing. I was maybe 11-12.
Parent - By Tommyjoking (****) Date 01-22-2012 00:35
Shawn I reckon we will both be in handcuffs by morning.  Don't waste your phone call on me as I will be in the same situation!
Parent - - By DaveBoyer (*****) Date 01-22-2012 01:47
I don't know where they got it, but one of the guys I ran around with as a teenager had metalic sodium.

They kept it in a jar of fuel oil to keep it dry. A lump thrown into the pond put on quite a show.
Parent - - By Pickupman (***) Date 01-22-2012 03:49
OK, I don't want to totally derail this thread, but I gotta share this with you guys.

WARNING. Don't hurt yourselves laughing.
Parent - By DaveBoyer (*****) Date 01-22-2012 08:30
When I was a kid, I found out why You shouldn't mix gunpowder with calcium hypochlorate [pool chlorine].

I went to get a match to light it with, and came back less than a minute later to found it had lit itself.
Parent - By TimGary (****) Date 01-22-2012 14:29
Parent - By Tommyjoking (****) Date 01-22-2012 18:13
Parent - By Jaxddad (**) Date 01-22-2012 08:26
Got you beat I am a white male, Military trained in explosives (USMC 1371 Combat Engineer), Republican, that owns a lot of weapons. I would bet Obama has me on ever list he has. And if your going to make things from the cook book be very carefull some of it gets sensitive and unstable.
Up Topic Chit-Chat & Non-Welding Discussion / Off-Topic Bar and Grill / As the US Presidential elections nears....

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