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Up Topic Welding Industry / Inspection & Qualification / CWI
- - By Superflux (****) Date 01-23-2012 21:48
Just got this in.
Not the best money but might be good for a starter job since CWI is not required.
And not nearly as cold as it is up in NoDak!!!!! Kansas can have it's moments though.... with ice storms and tornados.

QA/QC Tech  (Piping) (CWI is NOT required)

Location- Bushton, KS
Project- Gas Plant Construction Project
Duration- 6 months (mid June could go longer)
Start date- next Monday January 29th  is ideal
Pay rate- $30/hour , 1.5OT
Per diem- $70 x days worked (this is confirmed at $70)
Hours-  5 X 10’s + is expected

Jake Plegge
Senior Recruiter
Aerotek Energy Services
Work: 913-981-5364
Fax: 913-981-5431
Toll Free: 866-764-2648
* E-mail:
Parent - - By jrw159 (*****) Date 01-23-2012 22:05
   For what has been going around in the last few years, that is not bad at all for not requiring a CWI or NDE certs such as PT, MT or UT.

Through Aerotek no less. They are notorious for wanting AWS CWI, NDE PT, MT, UT & RT all for $19 to $21 per hour. LOL

Good find and for sure good for someone wanting to break into inspection.

Parent - By Superflux (****) Date 01-23-2012 23:23

Yep. That's about what they offered me a couple of years back. For me, it was worth it to stay in Wyoming.
They say no CWI required, but????? Still gotta sell that candidate to the client.
Decent enough wages and P/D if you don't have too many ex's and child support payments. It is just enough to cover living expenses and a reasonable bar tab. Not quite enough for any new toys.
They pretty well know I'm not going to take any less than that.

Also, Aerotek is (or was) hiring in Afghanistan. For who ever might be interested.
Me, I'm quite happy in Wyoming again and not getting bombed everyday... Well, I am, but it's with Crown Royal Black and not 122mm Iranian made rockets.
Nice to not have to look over my shoulder going to the showers on "Man Love Thursdays".
Up Topic Welding Industry / Inspection & Qualification / CWI

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