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Up Topic Chit-Chat & Non-Welding Discussion / Off-Topic Bar and Grill / My problem with Obama's "sharing the wealth" idea
- - By Cumminsguy71 (*****) Date 01-28-2012 23:17
I've heard and read about his or the Dem's ideas on equal wealth or whatever the heck they are calling it.

My problem with this.

First off I was born poor as heck. Dad run off not long after I showed up. I remember living in a run down trailer, Mom was working hard as a waitress making diddly back in the 70's. Second hand clothes, Christmas happened because of relatives. I even went and lived with my Aunt for about a year or two so Mom could try and get back on her feet. This was my life and when I approached 18 we were doing a bit better due to a step dad in the National Guard but nothing worth getting all excited about. Now, knowing all of this I know what being poor is like. Recently, about 2 years ago we made in the neighborhood of $15000 for the year. How we kept the house I don't know but we managed.

Ok, so the entire time I was rock bottom poor as a young kid I remember thinking how cool it would be to have a million dollars. To drive that Lamborghini Countach, the big house or whatever else. Fast forward to a few years ago when I was rock bottom poor and I didn't think about being rich, thought about survival. I may have had day dreams about the day when I finally had the business going and I could actually afford to take a vacation or for the most part, pay my bills every month and relax.

During my times in the poor house young or old never did I think that folks like Donald Trump, Warren Buffet or any other well to do SELF made million/billionaire should give me money just because I was a certain age or some idiotic b.s like that. What went thru my mind was what do I have to do, learn in order to rise to an income where I can be comfortable. After many years of hard work, countless sundays spent out on jobs, weeknights, weekend nights, weekdays and every place in between I can say that I'm getting close. This year was by far the best single year of my working life.

After all that I've done, seen and the work I've devoted to bettering myself I get to hear about the "share the wealth" mumbo jumbo. I'm not to a point where it will really bother me but when my kids leave home in a few years and the business has been going for some 10 years or so I really don't feel like sharing what I have built with somebody who feels that they deserve it just because they are a certain age or something. Call me selfish but blood, sweat and tears, literally given and I can't see being taxed in some way in order to let somebody else be fat and lazy.

Sorry, guess I had to vent. Saw something on the news the other morning and they were talking about this equal wealth b.s and it made an eyebrow rise and I said "what?".
Parent - - By JLWelding (***) Date 01-28-2012 23:36
Was having coffee the other day in town when we heard the the table next to us say I hope Obama stays in there. I like to have fell out, anyway I couldnt help but ask's WHY while laughing. They would'nt say, the waitress over heard this and came over and said everyone at the table collects welfare. I ashed her how much do you make a year? I have known her for 10 years so she didnt mind. She said she made a little over 20k. She has three kids single and no help from Obama.
The real hard working good people of this country are far and few. These day's it's what can you do for me, what do I get out of it,dont matter It aint mine.
Parent - - By Cumminsguy71 (*****) Date 01-29-2012 00:39
Exactly, what happened in the last 15-20 years that makes everyone think this is ok? I know the "squatters" have been around for a long time but it seems like it's becoming more mainstream now and it's ok to boot!
Parent - - By Tommyjoking (****) Date 01-29-2012 11:51
Shawn you might worry more about the taxes needed to balance the budget much less give it away to the fat and lazy, the overall debt is mind numbing compared to the stupid waste in social programs.  It is a long story but my family had money when I was very little and some things happened to eliminate that.  I grew up with my single Mom working 12-15 hour days and 4 brothers and two sisters, we were not well off at all but I was taken care of.  Most of my extended family were all military and Democrats for the most part.  When I was a teenager I started having a serious difference of opinion with them all politically.  What started it for me was looking at the numbers for the Social Security program and seeing how we were being screwed on our investment.  That made me start paying attention to who was saying what and what they stood for more or less (how can you ever tell, thier politicians/lawyers, I.E. LIARS).  Then paying attention to corporate taxes and regulation policies also made a light bulb go off.  To get to the point, I am not a member of either party, I vote for the lesser of the evils as I see it.

It is really surreal but I do meet a lot of people who have an attitude like they were born being owed by "them" or the world around them.  Not just younger people either but people my age.  Get all you can, I have been screwed by life, the system, my parents, the previous is not my fault they owe me my golden ticket...everyone is entitled to it because I saw so on TV!  That kind of thing.  A lot of them cannot seem to hold a job or manage their lives in general.  Most of them also seem to be a little short on functioning brain matter.  It is not your job to support them, bail them out or anything like that.  The only social responsibility we have is to help where we can and maybe show some of these people they have to change thier own situation.  Those are my decisions to make, not the goverments.

Fight the good fight because the gene pool is in serious need of some chlorine.
Parent - By Cumminsguy71 (*****) Date 01-29-2012 12:07 Edited 01-29-2012 19:47
Yep, that's what was bouncing around in my head. Seems we have an over abundance of "you owe me" types. You want it then go out and get it just as we are doing but prepare to sweat and skin knuckles while your doing it.
Parent - By Mikeqc1 (****) Date 02-14-2012 19:02
what part of "its mine i earned it" do they not understand.......thats my question.
- - By kandrwelding (*) Date 02-10-2012 02:17
My dad was a single parent, just me and him. He worked his @$$ off I felt like I knew my baby sitter better than my dad at times. We had a little house he payed rent for (ain't nothing in the San Francisco area cheep), He gave my mother money to help raise my sister, payed my baby sitter, and had a girlfriend helped with the bills from time to time. He worked as a Pipefitter for some sub-contract company at chevron. He never asked anyone for anything, I remember he might take me out to eat something but he never had restaurant food he went home and had PB&J. A real treat for him was on the weekends when he had the time to sit down eat and relax. We moved and he got into the trucking business. He got up early every day to check and grease his truck he taught me to weld and drive but most important he taught me his work ethic.

I despise people who think hard working people like me or my dad owe them anything. If I chose to give a man on a street corner a dollar that's my chose, Or if I chose to help a family friend down on there luck again my choice. To all those lazy mother ------- who say this job dose not bay well enough I wont take it or I cant find a job, I say take your @$$ to McD's and get a job if it dose not pay enough then get one pay check and go find something better. I am tired of this government stealing out of my pocket to keep them alive, let them starve or let me shoot them when they break into my house.

Parent - - By Joseph P. Kane (****) Date 02-15-2012 15:20 Edited 02-15-2012 15:24

What about the willing but weak?  What about the weak, unemployed, ill, mentally disabled?  What about those who just cannot for any reason?  What about those who just cannot get to work?  What about the ex-cons who are denied work for various reasons especially "Not in my back yard" (NIMBY)? 

You make it sound very simplistic.  Have you thought about any of the possible consequences?!?!?!  What if the "have nots" get really desperate and just decide to take it from all from you when you are asleep?
Parent - By DaveBoyer (*****) Date 02-17-2012 03:10
You make a good point Joe, as You always do.

HOWEVER of the people I know first hand, only one used assistance [welfare] when in a real bind and is now gainfully employed and I know a handfull who are on assistance THAT ARE ABUSING IT, most working under the table while collecting SSI rather than getting a real job and making it on their own.

There are many who won't give up a freebie once they find they can get it, even if they could EARN more.
Up Topic Chit-Chat & Non-Welding Discussion / Off-Topic Bar and Grill / My problem with Obama's "sharing the wealth" idea

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