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Up Topic Welding Industry / Technical Discussions / Hola Giovanni
- - By TimGary (****) Date 01-29-2012 01:52
Dear Sir,

Thank you for your efforts in the research, testing and publicaton of data in February's Welding Journal.
All too often the technical papers published in the Journal are very topic specific and have very narrow impact on our profession. Your paper however has practical benefit to anyone who has ever made a weld repair. You and your collegue's efforts will have direct impact on every forward thinking weld shop around the world.

(Article title "How often can joints be cut and rewelded in low-carbon steel?")

I hope that you are consdering expanding this research to other material grades as well, specifically the typical pressure vessel grade 70 and high pressure pipe 4140. Having been involved in multiple repairs on these grades, I've often wondered about potential negative impacts.

Thaks again for your time and professionalism.

Tim Gary
Parent - - By ozniek (***) Date 01-29-2012 13:47
Hi Tim

That article sounds good. I will want to get hold of it. Do you know if it is available on the AWS website?

Parent - - By TimGary (****) Date 01-29-2012 14:18
Good Morning Niekie,

February's "Journal" is available to be viewed on line to AWS members.
The main conclusion, after exhaustive testing is-
"Our conclusion is that the main characteristics that ensure the mechanical strengh and ductility of the weld bead and the heat affected zone, reported by the ultimate tensile and bend tests, remained unchanged after six cuts and rewelds in the same region of the original base metal. The elongation also remained the same after the first cut and reweld."

Fascinating results.
Sorry  to steal you thunder Professor Crisi, perhaps you would care to expand?

Tim Gary
Parent - - By ozniek (***) Date 01-29-2012 16:17
Hi Tim

Was there any impact testing done? I would think that is where the real issue would be.

I will have to try and get a hold of the February issue.

Parent - By G.S.Crisi (****) Date 01-31-2012 17:48
Yes, every specimen was impact tested twice: one impact on the root side and another one on the face side of the weld. Only one impact test was made om the base metal, for it has no root nor face.
The article explains carefully, or as we say here in Brazil, "tin tin por tin tin", our procedure to reach the conclusion written at the end of the article.
Giovanni S. Crisi
Sao Paulo - Brazil
Parent - - By G.S.Crisi (****) Date 01-31-2012 17:58
I'll divide my answer into four parts.

1st. All of us, frequentors of this site, are old friends, aren't we? So, please don't call me "Sir", my name is Giovanni.
2nd. I'm most happy for your good opinion on the article.
3rd. We're considering to repeat the research for stainless steel.
4th. Your posting is dated January 29 and the article is to be published on the February issue of Welding Journal. How it comes that you have already read it?

Giovanni S. Crisi
Parent - By TimGary (****) Date 01-31-2012 19:20
Hello Giovanni  :grin:

I have so much respect for you and your achievements that it is hard to not call you Sir...
I received the February edition of the "Journal" in the mail on January 27th.
I think the way you "plugged" this forum in your article was kind.

Thanks again,
Parent - By welderbrent (*****) Date 01-31-2012 23:08
I generally refer to you as 'Professor'.  A well earned title as demonstrated by that paper on your research.  And on a topic that has been discussed many times in one way or another on this forum and in other places.

I applaud your efforts and conclusions.  It is nice to see articles in our 'Welding Journal' that are of true informational value to so many of us.

And, by the way, issues for any particular month generally arrive in my mailbox a week to ten days before the first day of the month it is covering.  Thus, most of us already have our February issue. 

Have a Great Day,  Brent
Up Topic Welding Industry / Technical Discussions / Hola Giovanni

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