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Up Topic Chit-Chat & Non-Welding Discussion / Off-Topic Bar and Grill / Canadian Talk Show Host Destroys Obama Over Keystone Decisio
- - By Jssec (**) Date 02-05-2012 17:51
Parent - By swsweld (****) Date 02-07-2012 06:05 Edited 02-07-2012 06:11
Good video. Man speaks the truth. Worth the 12 minutes but if you want the 2008 campaign lies from Obama go to the 11:00 minute mark. What they will say to get a vote.
By 2018 we will be completely off of Middle East oil and Ugo Chavez' oil. Well, he said we will eliminate the need for Middle East oil and Venezualian oil so if no one has a job, business or a car then Obama's 10 year plan is right on track.
Parent - - By Cumminsguy71 (*****) Date 02-07-2012 23:49
Wow! I can't believe that U.S lobbyists are getting involved in Canadien business affairs. I think the Canadiens should kick their arses right out of the country as they have no business there. Hey Canada, give them all free plane tickets and screw up and send them to the middle east and leave them on their own with an "Oops, sorry about that".

I like the map, that was funny. The place is riddled with pipelines!! All the stuff I've read about so far, smoke and mirrors once I heard it from a news reporter outside of the U.S.
Parent - - By Mat (***) Date 02-09-2012 03:01 Edited 02-09-2012 03:14
Speaking as a Canadian and knowing my job is based mainly on the oilfields as we build a lot of drilling rig stuff...


Obama, if you don't want our sh*t, why should we be punished?  There are several other countries that want it!  Take the activists and shove them up your shiny molybdinim arse!  They ran a pipeline through Jasper National Park (where I grew up!) without incident and they are worried about some water table or whatever.

Go suck off an Elk!  God knows I've seen people try to pet them for pitty sakes, so why not?  "Is that a zoo?" , "No, that's a baseball field, thank you very much!"  Jesus christ, it's like the two guys that walked off into a field and found a deep well..."Oh look, that's a pretty deep hole!" , "It is...and I have this here rock" upon which he tosses it down the well...


"I didn't hear a splash!" said the one guy to which the other replied "Neither did I.  Maybe we need to toss something larger!"

They searched around and stumbled across an old Transmission and tossed it down the hole...

"Maybe this'll crash hard enough to hear!"

A few seconds later they saw a pig jump into the hole, still no crash.

"Well that was interesting" said the one guy to the other, whom nodded in agreement.

A few minutes later a farmer came about, "How are you fellers doing?"

"Not to bad" they replied.

To which the Farmer asked, "You guys havn't seen a pig around here have you?  He was wandering around a few minutes ago and he couldn't have gone far as he was tied to an old transmission!"  :yell:
Parent - - By 357max (***) Date 02-09-2012 14:27
Mat, question ~ what is the timeline for the completion of the Fort Saskatchewan refinery project near Edmonton. I believe that was begun in '07 08? Will that be able to refine all the tar sands oil or not? The articles from the Globe & Mail had a lot of Canucks up in disarray wanting to refine and then ship versus ship & refine. thank you
Parent - By Mat (***) Date 02-12-2012 07:41
Wish I could answer that, but I do not have an answer.
Up Topic Chit-Chat & Non-Welding Discussion / Off-Topic Bar and Grill / Canadian Talk Show Host Destroys Obama Over Keystone Decisio

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