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Up Topic Welding Industry / Technical Discussions / Required Testing of AWS SFA-5.28 Welding Consumables
- - By hodaddey Date 02-07-2012 09:34
In reading through AWS SFA-5.28, I cannot locate a reference to the testing frequency for the required tests shown in Table 5.  Can anyone point me to a source for this information?  For example, is testing only required during initial qualification of the consumable by the manufacturer or is it more frequent, such as per heat, batch, etc?  Material certifications for consumables will often report actual chemistry values but "typical" mechanical property data.  Does this imply that mechanical testing on a per heat, batch, or lot basis is only required when specified by the purchaser?  No where in the spec can I find any language regarding this subject.  Thanks in advance for any comments.
Parent - By ozniek (***) Date 02-07-2012 10:34

I believe that the answer you are looking for can be found in AWS 5.01. The actual batch sizes and reporting is described there. Note that when ordering the consuambles you need to specify the relevant Class and Schedule. This will depend on how critical the aplication is. (Or customer specifications)

Up Topic Welding Industry / Technical Discussions / Required Testing of AWS SFA-5.28 Welding Consumables

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