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Up Topic American Welding Society Services / Technical Standards & Publications / tack welder test
- - By Bubba01 (*) Date 02-08-2012 20:19
Hello all I would like anybody input on this subject Please. If I give a welder a fillet weld break test is he certified to tack groove welds together. I cant find any where in the code that says either way.  Thanks for your help.
Parent - - By Superflux (****) Date 02-08-2012 21:07
As long as the tack welds deposited are not out of position per, or other requirements considered essential by Table 4.12 in conjunction to his fillet weld test limitations.
Worst case scenario argument would be if the fillet weld test was NOT "tacked up" in the position. But that would take a world class jerk to push through without other circumstances to question the Tack Welder's ability.
Parent - By eekpod (****) Date 02-09-2012 11:57
We always have our fitters try to keep their tacks out of the bevel as much as possible because generally the welder doesn't want to risk dropping a UT test because of someone elses tack that may or may not be 100%.

My intrepretation was that since the tack weld qualification was a fillet weld vs a CJP weld, then no the tack welder qualification does not allow a tack weld to be placed in the bevel of the joint unless the guy placing the tack their has a CJP certification.  Which is another reason why we try to keep the fitters from tacking in the bevel if they are only tack qualified.
Yes it does happen on occasion and I don't worry about but as a common rule of thumb we avoid it.  If the tacks are outside the bevel no problem.
Keep in mind the siesmic code requires the same welder to tack weld his test plates as well as weld them.

I'm curious as to others opinion.
Up Topic American Welding Society Services / Technical Standards & Publications / tack welder test

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