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Up Topic Welding Industry / Technical Discussions / S275JR
- - By doyenofcastle (**) Date 02-18-2012 20:05
Any one can tell me the hardness required for this europ material (base metal , weld metal?why no information regarding this material in the code?
Parent - - By Joseph P. Kane (****) Date 02-19-2012 03:39
What metal?
Parent - By doyenofcastle (**) Date 02-19-2012 06:11
S275 JR  this according to EN10025
Parent - By ozniek (***) Date 02-20-2012 13:04

Not sure what code you are talking about? In general, I find the EN materials specs difficult to work with, but generally the information is there, as long as you are prepared to search. The mechanical properties for this grade is found in part 2 of EN10025. Can't actually find a required hardness value, but this is not necessarily unusual. Many material specs do not give hardness limits as a standard requirement, but can be specified as a supplementary test if required. I will attach as section of the relevant mechanical property table below, just to give some info, but not sure if this is what you were asking about.

If the code you are asking about is ASME IX, then you will not find it there, because this spec is for structural steel, not pressure quality.

If I am missing your question, please clarify.

Up Topic Welding Industry / Technical Discussions / S275JR

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