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Up Topic Welding Industry / Technical Discussions / CVN data
- - By blanier (*) Date 02-27-2012 13:17
I am interested to learn if there is a reliable method to correlate CVN data. Often, specs will ask to have the material tested at different temperatures. So, is it possible to evaluate if 30 ft-lb at 20 degree Farenheit is comparable to 20 ft-lb at 70 degree farenheit.?? Or any combination for that matter.... Thanks
Parent - By js55 (*****) Date 02-27-2012 21:21
No.There is no correlation. You have to develop a charpy S curve from actual testing to determine where the material will fall. And things change rapidly in the ductile to brittle zone.
Up Topic Welding Industry / Technical Discussions / CVN data

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