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Up Topic Welding Industry / Technical Discussions / China Welding and NDT code
- - By vdao3004 (**) Date 03-05-2012 03:58
Sir nantong,
I have a good question for you, I can not read Chinese so I need your help, do you have any English Version or you can sumarized the requirement for Welding : WPS/Qualification and same as NDT requirement.
JB/T 3223-1996; 6902-2008; NB/T 47014; 47015; 47016  -2011 ( J; TB/T 4708; 4709; 4744; and SG Z6002-2010
Parent - By nantong (**) Date 03-05-2012 10:09
Sorry, I have quite a few Chinese specs on my laptop but none of these. Can you access Baidu where you are? If you can then you will find all the Chinese specs there to view and many are translated into English (but no download).
Parent - - By dragon (**) Date 03-05-2012 10:18
the code you mentioned are for pressure vessel.
Parent - By nantong (**) Date 03-05-2012 10:45
Chinese code for pressure vessels is GB-150 (which I have in English). A number of Chinese specs have been asked for. Perhaps the poster could give more details on the work. The first spec he quoted gave no result on Baidu. Remember you must quote the specification number exactly or the search will not work.
Parent - By vdao3004 (**) Date 03-06-2012 00:58
yes, they are for pressure vessel code, we ship the product to China which is certified to TS stamp, so my job to do research to meet these code requirement, I am trying looking for English Version , but no luck,, I have a Chinese Copies , but translation to English take little time and hard to get it right.
Up Topic Welding Industry / Technical Discussions / China Welding and NDT code

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