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Up Topic Welding Industry / General Welding Discussion / 309 stick welding
- - By dd6640 Date 03-27-2012 00:18
I am looking for some help or advise or tips on 6g position...2in. c/s extra heavy test...procedure is 70s tig root-first pass..fill and cap 309 smaw. I'm just not getting the right heat or right flow. Looks like crap..I've tried changing heat up and down still not getting it. Any heat recommendations or welding tips would help a lot....I'm referring to the 309 stick electrode......
Parent - By scrappywelds (***) Date 03-27-2012 00:55
It really depends on the 309L rods, not all rods are created equal. Sometimes lower amps wider weave is needed
Parent - - By Tommyjoking (****) Date 03-27-2012 01:01
I bought some 316l-16 last year that is suppose to be all position rod but it was almost impossible to carry a puddle from 7-10 with it, I fought them tooth and nail and about pulled my hair out......switched to a -15 and it was a a night and day of difference.  Might be the rods your using?
Parent - By jwright650 (*****) Date 03-27-2012 16:31
Be careful with the -15....penetration suffers with that rod vs the -16.
Parent - By js55 (*****) Date 03-27-2012 16:10
Have you welded 309 stick much before. Stainless stick is one of the hardest techniques to acquire.
Parent - - By dd6640 Date 03-27-2012 22:20
I believe the rod is a Lincoln brand 309L 16 - 3/32. I have only been preparing for this test procedure for a little over a month with this particular rod. The heat I've been using has varied from around 50 to 70-75. I read somewhere I should be around 62-67..If I try it on the flat with around 75 amps it looks great with the nice gold tone color to it. When I try in 6G position something goes wrong. It either balls up or just looks like a lot of voids or slag inclusion. It does not flow or move at all like 7018..Any recommendations on the way you position the rod as far as angle or travel movements and speed...Rather then weave my fill I've been  laying stringers...they should be kept tight....right.....thanks for the help.....Dave
Parent - - By spgtti (**) Date 03-28-2012 00:42 Edited 03-28-2012 00:47
If you're leaving slag inclusions and voids turn up the heat or change your travel speed. If the beads have a distinct V shape to the ripples turn it down. SS stick doesn't fill well at all out of position, so keep it moving, while maintaining a perpendicular (90 degrees to the axis of the pipe) rod angle, try not to add any lead or lag or work angle to the rod as you travel. You only want to travel slow enough to deposit a uniform width puddle, too slow and your slag mixes with the puddle. Different rod brands of the same alloy weld completely opposite some times, you just have to play with them to figure out what manipulation technique works for that brand.
Parent - - By dd6640 Date 04-05-2012 01:06 Edited 04-05-2012 01:08
I tried your recommendation today on my coupon, what a big difference. The rod angle played a major role in the overall appearance as well as the heat up adjustment tip. I did a couple of rods on the flat until I felt it was running at a good heat and than made a little tweaking from there.. Even the bottom starts on the 6g position are looking promising.What a great site for welding tips ,,can't thank you and everyone else  enough....Dave
Parent - By spgtti (**) Date 04-05-2012 21:14
Glad to hear you figured it out. Every type/brand of stainless rod I've ever run welded a little bit differently. Like anything in welding it always comes back to reading the puddle.
- By 803056 (*****) Date 03-28-2012 03:58
I suggest 309-15 for all position welding. Use the low end of the amperage range and remove all slag between each pass. The beads will be very convex, it is the nature of the flux covering.

The weld pool of both E309-16 and E309-17 are too fluid to weld in all positions.

Best regards - Al
- - By dd6640 Date 03-29-2012 00:48
Thanks for all the input,,I guess like anything else you have to stay with it and put the time in..I figure if enough people respond to this post I'll take a little from everyone and see what works best for me...had a better day today with my coupon...
Parent - - By Tommyjoking (****) Date 03-29-2012 01:31
Dave well it is good your having a little better luck.   I thought about this while I was in my shop today.  I pulled out some 309l-16 Mckay today just to see how they ran out of position...ummm they sucked.  I agree with AL, unless you are stuck with the -16 try a -15
Parent - - By yojimbo (***) Date 04-06-2012 00:57
I once had to do that test for an Oregon contractor doing work at Longview Weyerhauser.  Thought I was sunk before going in to test.  2" XXwall, 309 tig root and hot, 309 stick out.  Figured to totally ball it but what the hey.  Get to running the stick electrode, the brand was Mc Vay or Mc Kay, so long ago I don't recall, but that rod laid in like 7018 so well I thought I'd been given the wrong electrode.  Wish I'd paid more attention to the brand and electrode spec.  Anyone familiar with this electrode brand?  Made SS stick rod out of position a thing of beauty not agony.
Parent - By Tommyjoking (****) Date 04-08-2012 03:12
Mckay rods typically run pretty well...that is what I ask for in SS mostly.....but they have several variants for each alloy, not all of them run in the round.
Up Topic Welding Industry / General Welding Discussion / 309 stick welding

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