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Up Topic Welding Industry / General Welding Discussion / When I grow up I want to be like 803056!
- - By WeldinFool (**) Date 03-30-2012 15:25
I would like to thank you for your input on this forum. Your comments are always professional, clearly stated, and just what's needed. I am somewhat new to the Inspection/Quality Control field, and in my efforts to establish a viable and usable QC program for the company I now work for I have turned to this forum many times with questions. Your comments almost always come up in my searches, and they are like a pool of clear, pure water amidst a bunch of mud holes! I thank you for your patience and willingness to help us newbys out, for your spot on attitude concerning just what our job is all about, and for your time, which must be considerable in this effort.
Parent - By TimGary (****) Date 03-30-2012 15:39
I second the motion!

Parent - By Lawrence (*****) Date 03-30-2012 15:40

Five star post.
Parent - - By waccobird (****) Date 03-30-2012 15:45

Al as many others on here are giving with their education and/or experience.

We are Blessed to have them.

Well Stated and I agree with Lawrence (another giving sort) a ***** post.

Parent - - By 803056 (*****) Date 03-30-2012 16:32 Edited 03-30-2012 17:17
Thanks for the compliments. I appreciate each and every one of them.

No one is born with knowledge or experience. Both are acquired with the expenditure of time and effort. We learn from each other's successes and failures. It is only when we don't appreciate the work of others and we fail to ask questions that we miss opportunities to advance our profession. If we're lucky, we have had several mentors throughout our careers that have shared their experiences and have poked and prodded us to do better than simply achieve mediocrity.

My father told me that a happy man is someone that discovers a way to earn a living doing something he enjoys. With that in mind, many of us that frequent the forum and share our experiences and knowledge are fortunate. We have learned how to make a living doing what we enjoy doing. We've turned our passion for welding into professional careers that enables us to support ourselves and our families while benefiting society.

How many of you wake up in the morning and cannot wait to get to the shop or to the job site so you can start a new project or continue work on one that is already underway? I venture to say that describes most of us. We are a very fortunate few that have found their calling. Yet, each of us knows several people that hate to go to work. They only look forward to the next holiday or vacation. They look forward to retirement because they hate the thought of going to the office each and every day. They never excel at their jobs. They earn a living, but they do not have a passion for what they are doing because they are not doing something they enjoy. They missed their calling.

Can you imagine what our lives would be like without welding? I find it difficult to fathom. Welding has always been challenging and it provides me with the self satisfaction of doing the job right the first time, every time. It has provided me with a lifetime of rewarding work and a comfortable livelihood. Am I rich? Not in the sense of being financially wealthy, but in the sense of a rewarding career it has been and still is a great way of life. Retirement? Hell no, that would mean giving up something I enjoy. I might be forced to pass up beer, candy, or sex, wait just a minute, let’s not be too hasty. Let’s back up the horse cart and reconsider the last item on that list, but give up welding? Never.

Now if I could just convince my wife I'm not a complete idiot, I would be all set.

Best regards - Al
Parent - By ctacker (****) Date 03-31-2012 04:59
Ill jump in too.
Thanks Al, I appreciate your posts along with everyone else that posts here. I'm not gonna try and name everyone so I don't forget anyone.

I've learned alot in the last 4 years, and still learn every day. Thanks to all.
Parent - By Chris2626 (***) Date 03-31-2012 15:30
9 years ago I was working at a ski resort as a ski lift mechanic and I knew a guy who lived around Denver CO and was making around 150k a year and absolutely hated his job and
ended up quiting and applying for a ski patrol job at the resort I was working at making maybe 13 an hour and he said to me I have never been so happy as I am right now.

Al, you're father is absolutely right if you aren't happy then you need to find something that makes you happy.
Parent - By jrw159 (*****) Date 03-30-2012 19:34
Here, Here!!! APLAUSE!!!!!!!!!!

I have also benefited greatly from Mr. Moore's knowledge.

Parent - - By G.S.Crisi (****) Date 03-30-2012 19:54
As we say in Brazil: Concordo em género, número e caso!
Giovanni S. Crisi
Sao Paulo - Brazil
Parent - By Northweldor (***) Date 03-31-2012 01:12
I agree with the opinion about Al, as part of the "mudhole" group, but would also like to say that the the thing that impresseses me most is his passion and dedication, as illustrated by the post above. When he is gone, as all of us will be, he will be missed.
Parent - By DaveBoyer (*****) Date 03-31-2012 01:20
Yes, Al is one of the ones to pay attention to.
Parent - - By welderbrent (*****) Date 03-31-2012 03:18
Al is indeed one of the most anticipated responders I look for in most every thread.  He has a great deal of wisdom, knowledge, and experience that he is very free about sharing. 

I am very thankful that there are many others here as well.  And even when we have disagreements there is much to be learned from our very learned participants. 

I am also thankful for AWS and the resources they put into making this forum possible and free for all of us. 

Have a Great Day,  Brent
Parent - By Tommyjoking (****) Date 03-31-2012 20:18
Al is one of those folks that really reinforce to me how much I do not know.  The greatest thing is the concise to the point way he answers stuff, it is always clear and easy to understand.  You have taught me a lot, intentionally or not, and I appreciate it a great deal.

Ditto Brent
Up Topic Welding Industry / General Welding Discussion / When I grow up I want to be like 803056!

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