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Up Topic Welding Industry / Technical Discussions / arc adjust and arc control.
- - By 70spoiler (*) Date 04-12-2012 14:32
Can someone please explain to me the effects of arc control and the arc adjust ? I am looking for how they affect the weld and what it actually is. The weld process is pulsed spray, using metal core and welding carbon steel. this information seems hard to find online. Thanks for your time. jack
Parent - - By Lawrence (*****) Date 04-12-2012 15:11
Need to know the brand and model of your GMAWP welding power supply.

In most general terms;  The arc control/trim adjustment is used for minor control adjustments in arc length... The higher the value, the longer arc length... the lower the value the shorter.

From an operator standpoint the control can be similar to 'voltage' control..... >not the same<

However Miller, Lincoln, Esab, Fronius etc. All have different ways to deliver synergic GMAWP...  None have the same exact delivary of current or even terminology for the various knobs or touchpads that relate...  This is why I asked about Brand, Model and program number...

If you are doing flat and horizontal spray transfer on materials thicker than 1/8"  the use of GMAWP vs Traditional spray transfer GMAW is questionable at best.  This is true for any mild steel application with Solid wire or MCAW.
Parent - - By 70spoiler (*) Date 04-12-2012 15:26
The machines are miller axcess 300 and 450 and feeders, I lied when I said steel , its actually 12560 armor at .147 thick.
Parent - By Lawrence (*****) Date 04-12-2012 15:53
Right out of the owners manual
Arc Adjust Term used to represent arc length adjustments in pulse programs. Increasing Arc Adjust increases
the actual arc length. Likewise, decreasing arc adjust shortens arc length. Arc Adjust is replaced by
volts in MIG programs.

Arc Control Allows setting of inductance and slope in MIG mode. In pulse and Accu-pulse mode, this adjustment
changes the arc characteristics by adjusting the preprogrammed factory pulse data.

I would stay away from "Arc Control" adjustments unless you are having major issues with the factory presets for the program you are running... Which you shouldn't... 

Maybe describe your problems with the process up to this point?

Are you running Semi-automatic/Manual    or Robotic/Mechanized  ?

Parent - By TimGary (****) Date 04-12-2012 17:31
Just to add to Lawrence's knowledgeable post:

Arc Control, AKA "Trim" and "Arc Length" adjusts the length of the arc.
The longer the arc, the more fluid the puddle will be, or the flatter the profile will be.
Arc length in Pulse welding is your best friend for eliminating spatter as a good fluid puddle makes little to no spatter.
If you're trying to make a narrow fillet weld, use a low arc length.
If you're trying to make a wide faced flat profile groove weld, use a high arc length.

Arc Adjust in the new Axcess machines is different than it used to be in the older 60M series or Millermatic-P machines.
Arc Adjust used to only adjust the pulse frequency, or amount of pulses per second, which would affect the width of the arc.
In an Axcess, Arc Adjust affects the entire arc characteristic, or amps, volts and frequency at the same time.
I like to call Arc Adjust the "Fine Tuner" setting as it helps dial in the arc characteristic the way you like it, after setting WFS and Arc Control.

Disclaimer - (before my humble opinion gets rebuffed)
That last bit about Arc Adjust being the "Fine Tuner" is my opinion which not everyone agrees with, but it works for me...
Also, my experience is with solid wire, not metal core, so there may be a difference.
I'd love to hear your opinion on how these settings affect MCAW.

Up Topic Welding Industry / Technical Discussions / arc adjust and arc control.

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