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Up Topic Welding Industry / General Welding Discussion / classicIIID looses arc
- - By louieRD (**) Date 04-26-2012 10:57
Hello to all, im having a situation with my classic 3 d, it holds an arc briefly and then arc dies and wont return for a little while, and continually cuts out, would anyone be willing or knowledgeable in this machine that would have any suggestions?
Parent - - By yojimbo (***) Date 04-26-2012 15:29
Could be a slew of things.  How old is the machine?  How worn are the brushes, both main and exciter?  Either of these have caused similar symptoms on my Classic III.  Recently discovered an overdue fuel filter can cause the same symptoms you describe.  Maintenance calls out a 500 hour filter change, at about 550 hours my machine started behaving the way you describe.  Changed the filter and fixed it.  Probably best to get it to a repair technician for some R & R to troubleshoot.
Parent - By louieRD (**) Date 04-27-2012 10:42
Yes , it was a slightly loose connection on the machine, right at the negative terminal post, and it rattled and overheated, thanks for quick response!
Up Topic Welding Industry / General Welding Discussion / classicIIID looses arc

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