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Up Topic Welding Industry / General Welding Discussion / weld magnesium
- - By gopipe Date 01-06-2003 22:28
What process is used to weld magnesium? This is a new one for me...a buddy of mine has a cracked case on a motorcycle engine, thinks it's magnesium and was wondering if it could be welded without causing further cracks or ?

At the least, I was thinking that it could be brazed.
Parent - By DGXL (***) Date 01-06-2003 23:30
GTAW that case if he's your buddy, works everytime and have repaired many of my own bike parts in the past with this process. Make sure you clean the case it real well, oil will cause pin hole porosoity and make welding miserable, Chemical or steam cleaning usually does the trick.

One more thing, wether use braze or weld, get in and get out or the case will warp big time and create more problems than when you started.
Up Topic Welding Industry / General Welding Discussion / weld magnesium

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