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Up Topic Welding Industry / Technical Discussions / weld parameter monitoring
- - By bjbercaw (*) Date 05-14-2012 16:44
We are wanting to implement a daily check for our main welding parameters including voltage, currect, wire feed speed, gas flow rate, travel speed, etc.  I was wondering if anyone could reccommend any good setups for weld process monitoring that they have used with success and accuracy.  Also if anyone has experience setting up INFP Newport process meters for welding applications please let me know.  We are having some issues with high frequ that we can't seem to pinpoint.  Thanks in advance.

Parent - By fschweighardt (***) Date 05-14-2012 18:18
PM sent
Parent - By Hoo (*) Date 05-16-2012 00:12
Lincoln has arc monitoring software built into most of their newer machines that can easily connect to ethernet and give you all of the data you are looking for, it can also be retrofitted on to some older models, but I do not know to what extent.  Arc agent is a reputable aftermarket manufacturer, but I have very limited experience with them.
Parent - By Metarinka (****) Date 05-24-2012 01:47
as mentioned most of the modern power supplies from lincoln and miller have built in network I/O capability and proprietary software that allows monitoring of parameters.   there's a few aftermarket vendors.  As mentioned it gets difficult and iffy with proper eletrical isolation especially if high frequency GTAW is used.  I wish I could speak more, but I generally handed it off to the electrical engineers to diagnose those problems.
Up Topic Welding Industry / Technical Discussions / weld parameter monitoring

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