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Up Topic Welding Industry / General Welding Discussion / New to it all
- - By wardaj Date 01-07-2003 19:29

I am new to the world of welding. I have used a MIG welder where i work a couple times. I would like to buy my own for doing very small and low quantity stuff. I would like something that can weld 1/8"" aluminum, Stainless, and mild steel. Mainly exhaust and other small automotive taks. Would this welder do ok for me. Keep in mind that I do not need something fast, or something that makes state of the art welds. Just something that is priced well, portable, 115V, and can do the smaller metals that i will have to work with. Thanks in advance for the replys. Have a great day!!!
Parent - By wardaj Date 01-07-2003 20:11
OH i forgot to ask. Would my requirements here merit a gas welding setup better? Like I mentioned, this is for hobby use.
Parent - By welder_guy2001 (***) Date 01-08-2003 02:57
most of the 120V welders in the market today can do all of the things you desire. in fact, that's what some automotive shops use for their small work. many of these welders go for around $500-$600, depending on what comes with it. I have a Hobart Handler can weld using MIG or flux core. it doesn't do so well w/ 1/4" mild steel w/ MIG, but it does well on 1/4" w/ flux core. it welds 1/8" aluminum w/ 5356 wire like a dream! read the books, play around w/ it, have fun!
Parent - By welder_guy2001 (***) Date 01-08-2003 03:01
I just clicked on the link you had on your post. i wouldn't get a welder like that one. one w/ a bit more power output would be best. you want one that puts out at least 130 amps so you can weld 1/4" steel and 1/8" aluminum w/o cursing!
Parent - - By kam (**) Date 01-08-2003 12:35
I have a Lincoln sp175 with gas option and I love it. Purchased the gas option with it and if I remember right the whole setup cost me and 700 bucks. Been welding for several years now an I will only buy Lincoln or Miller equipment. Have hear alot of horror stories concerning service on those off brand units. Spend the extra bucks and get something that you will be happy with.

Parent - By jwright650 (*****) Date 01-08-2003 15:53
I have a small welder I purchased for 400 bucks that does all of what welderguy and kam says thiers will do. Hobart 175 .035" wheels and tip come on the machine w/ gas regulator included. I think Miller makes the little Hobart machine. I'm gonna suggest alittle more power than 85 amp machine you are looking at, especially on the 1/8" aluminum. Another note, the 175 Hobart has a dial rather than switches and will be easier to "dial" in your settings. Bottled gas was extra.
Another thought for you to consider,
John Wright

PS: I read back up and saw welderguy has the same machine I've got only one size smaller.
Up Topic Welding Industry / General Welding Discussion / New to it all

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