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Up Topic Welding Industry / General Welding Discussion / welding cable
- - By atc250r (**) Date 07-01-2012 22:02
I'm looking to buy a 500' spool of 1/0 welding cable. Need something suitable for pipelining in Canadian winters.  Trystar, Ultraflex, ???  I have a US shipping address, so that's not an issue.  Let me know a good place to buy from.
Parent - - By up-ten (***) Date 07-02-2012 02:30
I've been using Carolprene -40c here in Alberta, gets a little stiff when the cold hits but stays flexible. Paid close to $700 for 240' of 2/0 here in Edmonton. Bob.
Parent - By Tommyjoking (****) Date 07-02-2012 16:04
There are some electrical suppliers from the northern states on Ebay that have really good prices on welding cable.  Watch em for a few weeks and your bound to see what you want at the right price.  I got my last 250' of 2/0 Excellene (carol cable) from the seller acdcelectricparts for $725 shipped to my door.

A guy on here a few months back had 600ft of 1/0 for sale really cheap ($2 FT) in the for sale section...might want to search and see if he still got it
Up Topic Welding Industry / General Welding Discussion / welding cable

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