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Up Topic Welders and Inspectors / Education & Training / A .PPT presentation regarding "Certified Welders"
- - By pipewelder_1999 (****) Date 07-07-2012 12:48
I made a powerpoint presentation for some companies locally that wanted a "certified welder". Just wanted to give an overview of some points I thought worth noting.

I need to add some graphics and such but am not at that point yet.

It can be downloaded at . I will attach it here if I figure out how. Feel free to critique, comment, suggest, as you see fit. All comments are welcome.

Gerald Austin
Attachment: (61k)
Parent - - By 803056 (*****) Date 07-09-2012 03:28
Not bad Gerald.

I would stress that each employer is responsible to ensure their welders are properly qualified. That is accomplished when the employer "certifies" the welder has met the qualification requirements by affixing their authorized signature after the certifying statement which is usually located at the bottom of the Performance Test Record.

I would also include a sentence stating that the welder has to be qualified for each welding process. You have a slide that addresses the range of the welder's qualification, but the fact that the welder has to be tested for each welding process is not clearly stated.

The last point is fresh in my mind because I was asked by the Engineer to check a welder's "certifications" for a current project. The performance test record indicated the welder used SMAW for the performance test. Fine so far, except that the contractor is using FCAW on the project.

Best regards – Al
Parent - - By pipewelder_1999 (****) Date 07-09-2012 10:33
Thanks Al,

I look at it with that in mind. Definately need to mention the process.

Thanks and have a good day.

Parent - By Ke1thk (**) Date 07-09-2012 14:48
Good job Gerald.

It's hard for me to communicate with people what the term Welder Qualification means.  It's like they want one test to cover every possible combination of variables. 

I like the part where you write what a certified welder isn't.  It might be good to include that the welder usually has to weld to a welding procedure (follow all of it's rules) to become "certified."  And, that the welding procedure may or may not need to be qualified with a Procedure Qualification Record, according to the code.

I like it.

Up Topic Welders and Inspectors / Education & Training / A .PPT presentation regarding "Certified Welders"

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