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Up Topic Welding Industry / General Welding Discussion / Need Fabrication Advise
- - By argoncowboy (**) Date 07-09-2012 21:18
Im working for an engineer that has asked me to do something I've never done before. We are working 14" standard wall pipe. He wants me to saddle a 14" 3R 90 onto a 14" header. I don't have a problem laying out and welding laterals but that aint what he wants here. I've looked through all my pipe fitting books and haven't found a formula to lay out the branch/saddle on the 90. Any advise will be greatly appreciated.
Parent - - By Sourdough (****) Date 07-10-2012 06:19
You're just going to have to go into the throat of that 90 a little at a time till it comes out good on a level, my friend....
Parent - By cmays (***) Date 07-11-2012 00:43
If its some odd fitting or pipe joint.I will usually do what sourdough was saying on the first one until it comes out perfect. Then take a blank wraparound and make you a pattern for the rest.
Parent - By pipewelder_1999 (****) Date 07-10-2012 10:44 Edited 07-10-2012 22:57
I have never done it but believe it can be layed out using parallel line development. If I get a chance I'll make a drawing. The only thing different is the fact that the ordinates for the ell will be transfered to the point of intersection by swinging an arc from the center of the radius of the ell.

Draw an end view of the header showing the header and the ell. Draw a projection of the,end of the ell. Divide that into 8 or 16 parts. Then from the center if the ell, draw an arc from each ordinate to the point of intersection on the header. You then have something to start with.

Transferring the lengths for each ordinate would be a pain I think.

Of course some hands can probably just rough it in little by little.

This is from my phone so may have some spelling and other errors. its a pain to edit after something is typed.



Here is what I THINK you are doing.

I will try to show what I was suggesting for the layout.
Parent - By aevald (*****) Date 07-10-2012 22:03 Edited 07-10-2012 22:50
Hello argoncowboy, does your challenge look anything like this? This would be a "to size, direct measure" method for coming up with the necessary pattern measurements to saddle in on a ninety degree Ell. The pink outline would be how the end of the pipe might look for this sort of fit-up. If it was oriented any other way you would just change the location and angle of the centerline of the saddling pipe and then intersect the lines from that half circle division back to the ones on the Ell. For the size of the pipe you are talking about you would likely want to use quite a few more dividing lines to give your pattern better accuracy. Hope this makes some sense. Best regards, Allan

EDIT: This other picture that I have added now is probably what you were talking about....., I'll bet. After re-reading your original post I realized what you were trying to say and I was too thick to understand. Now if that is it you definitely have a challenge on your hands as far as a pattern or an "accurate layout" goes. Unfortunately, if I tried to get accross how I might go about that particular layout challenge I'd probably confuse myself and anyone else as well. I'll be interested to see if you have any others to elaborate more and give you pointers or direction. Good luck and best regards, Allan
Parent - By aevald (*****) Date 07-10-2012 23:10
Hello again argoncowboy, if your fit-up is similar to what Gerald drew and I included in my second image could you convince the engineer to alter his/her train of thought? Is there an issue with clearance or closed quarters where this is being put into service? If not, you may wish to ask him to allow you to use a short length of straight pipe with a saddle on one end of it that you could weld onto the Ell and then fit and weld to the header. Just throwing out some suggestions. Good luck and best regards, Allan
Parent - - By pipewelder_1999 (****) Date 07-10-2012 23:39
Based on what I think you are doing, this is what I was talking about.

Keep in mind that I feel sourdough has a great deal more experience with this and may have the best method however you may be able to combine the two methods to reduce some time.

For me to lay this out in real life I would have to divide the ell into the 16 equal sections as shown, and transfer the dimensions based upon the full scale drawing. I would suggest your own drawing since I fit this to fit OD to OD and I think that may throw things off.

I hope it helps and if not, I hope it doesn't confuse things even more.

Gerald Austin
Iuka MS
Parent - - By Dualie (***) Date 07-11-2012 03:07
if all else fails, theres always the cardboard mockup.      some arts and crafts time, scissors, cardboard and tape.   If all else fails drag a ell back to the hotel and put it on the floor and start to mocking up.
Parent - - By Shane Feder (****) Date 07-11-2012 05:58
If you are trying to do what is in Geralds first picture then I think Sourdoughs method would be the quickest and easiest.
Here are a couple of ideas.
1  Set up a 14" pipe, level on pipe stands
2  Sit elbow on top of run pipe using an extended pipe stand to level the face
3  Centre the bottom of the elbow on the centre of the run pipe
4  Adjust the face of elbow till it is square to run pipe
5  Put a small tack either side of elbow to hold position
6  Lay a small length of angle (appropriate size) lengthwise along the run pipe
7  Hold a piece of chalk or marking pen on top of the angle then draw the angle towards you and up whilst marking the contour of the run pipe onto the elbow
8  Repeat for other 3 quarters
9  Remove elbow, cut as per marking, grind then trial fit

Hope that helps,
Parent - - By argoncowboy (**) Date 07-11-2012 22:56
I really appreciate all the tips and tricks of the trade but for this particular configuration the 14" 3R 90 and the 14" header will both be in the horizontal position, which means the 90 and the header will share the same centerline.
Parent - By Sourdough (****) Date 07-12-2012 06:00
Parent - By Paladin (***) Date 07-12-2012 13:02
It seems to me that both Pipewelder's, Aevald,  and Shane's methods will work with both fitting and pipe horizontal. Maybe there is something I'm not getting about the fit. How about a picture when you finish.
Parent - By aevald (*****) Date 07-12-2012 21:13 Edited 07-16-2012 14:14
Hello again argoncowboy, I had a bit of x-tra time and appreciate a challenge every-now-and-then so maybe this pic. is closer to what you have described. All of the radius lines on this view of the Ell would be measured from the end on 16 equally spaced lines that would need to be put around the end of the Ell. The two innermost and outermost lines would be single length measurements. All of the other lengths would be duplicated once on the top half and then once on the bottom half of the Ell. The centerline measurement of the Ell (top & bottom) would be an original length of the Ell. Hope all of this makes sense. Good luck and best regards, Allan

EDIT: I have changed some of the information here to hopefully clarify points of information from my original post
Up Topic Welding Industry / General Welding Discussion / Need Fabrication Advise

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