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Up Topic Chit-Chat & Non-Welding Discussion / Off-Topic Bar and Grill / just my humble opinion?
- - By ibeweldingsum (***) Date 07-10-2012 16:23
I believe this to the bone
Parent - By welderbrent (*****) Date 07-10-2012 18:35
Parent - - By weldwade (***) Date 07-11-2012 04:16
I second, well third... Brent beat me to number two! We as the American people need to remember this and start complaining!!! Complain to those no good for nothin jerk offs we elected to change their ways.
Parent - - By ruero (**) Date 07-11-2012 05:08
Unfortunately this current administration is working to change the constitution and is doing it a little at a time.
If he get his way in the long run we will all be wearing those greay suits.
Obamunism is Breaking this Country, it's not to late, vote him out 2012
Parent - - By RonG (****) Date 07-11-2012 16:28
ruero, thats some statement. Would you care to qualify it for those of us who missed out on changes to the Constitution? What is the point behind "greay (grey?) suits"? I missed that one also.
Parent - - By ruero (**) Date 07-15-2012 02:21 Edited 07-15-2012 03:04
Ok RonG I will retract that it has been changed, yet, but the current Regime is working very hard at it.
Don't know what to tell ya Ron, if you can't figuar it out about the gray suits.

jrw159 pretty much did your research for ya, Ron,  if you were trying figuar that one out.  1st 2nd

I'll keep my Freedom, Relgion and Guns Ron, you can keep the change.
Parent - - By RonG (****) Date 07-17-2012 20:11
ruero-You have yet to qualify any of your rant. Gray suits and Guns?

In the past 20 + years, Gun control has come up in every regime (both party’s) in one form or another including amending or altering the Constitution. If you think that the Obama can change it you are mistaken and youre point (if there ever was one) is way off course.

jrw 159’s comment has no meaning seeing as how the Constitution is not even under attack by anyone other than you.

I have said many times on this forum I never voted for Obama but he does (like it or not) hold the highest office in our land and to slander that office is offensive to me.

What of your freedom is in jepordy? and where does you freedom end and someone else's begin? I am not asking just to be pain. Really... what are you in danger of loseing?
Parent - By DaveBoyer (*****) Date 07-18-2012 04:19
According to Nat Hentoff, Our first ammendment rights are under attack, as well as some others. Don't know who He is? Google Him.
Parent - - By 357max (***) Date 07-24-2012 17:05
Some will remember the following:

"I, _____________, do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic: that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same: and that I will obey the orders of the President of the United States and the orders of the officers appointed over me, according to regulations and the Uniform Code of Military Justice. So help me God."
Parent - By RonG (****) Date 07-24-2012 17:17
Parent - - By jrw159 (*****) Date 07-11-2012 19:57
I could not agree more!!

For those wondering how the Constitution is in danger, let's start with the First and Second Amendments.

If you eliminate the first two the rest do not really matter do they?

Parent - By weldervaughn (**) Date 07-11-2012 22:09
Molon Labe !!
Parent - - By Mikeqc1 (****) Date 07-12-2012 01:12
the only constitution written in that way..........we are unique
Parent - By makeithot (***) Date 07-13-2012 02:17
I'm thinking about starting a revolution myself so we can get one.
Parent - By Sourdough (****) Date 07-12-2012 06:06
Parent - - By 99205 (***) Date 07-18-2012 17:24 Edited 07-18-2012 17:27
The Constitution can be changed by amendment. Amendments are either proposed by Congress and then passed by the legislatures of 3/4s of the states, or they can be proposed and passed by 3/4s of the state legislatures directly. The third way the constitution can be "changed" is through interpretation by the Supreme Court. Some would argue that this does not constitute a change, only an interpretation of original intent, while others would argue that some of the interpretations of the Supreme Court in the past are far removed from the original intent of the framers.  The Supreme Court is the key to the political parties getting their way around the Constitution.  This is why there's such a big deal about who gets confirmed to the Court.

To add to the above, the US Constitution has been successfully amended 27 times since its inception, with a few additional amendments currently pending congressional approval. The first 10 amendments, enacted in 1791, are usually known as The Bill of Rights.

FYI - list of Amendments
Parent - - By Lawrence (*****) Date 07-18-2012 21:01
I like your reminder about the Supreme Court.

"They"  are the ones in todays political reality that actually can 'in effect' change the constitution outside of the traditional process of legislation.

Case in point...  The 54,000,000 (Fifty Four Million) American deaths since Roe Vs Wade.
Parent - - By 99205 (***) Date 07-18-2012 22:09
Roe Vs Wade divided this country and produced a grassroots movement on both sides of the abortion issue.  I for one would not have wanted to be a Supreme Court Justice back then.  The Roe Vs Wade decision was actually tied to 3 other cases that the Justices were deciding at the time.  Had Roe Vs Wade been the only case before the Justices I believe the outcome may have been different even though the the Justices were 5 to 2 in favor of Roe.
Parent - - By RonG (****) Date 07-19-2012 18:04
For crying out loud what a bunch of drivel.

All I wanted to get across to ruero is that the Presidential administration does not change the Constitution, nor does Congress.

The way some of you carry on, your life time will be used up with nothing but *****ing and crying and you will have missed the entire show.

Just a hint for all the Constitutional protectors, Congress must have 2/3 of both houses just to get an amendment presented to the states to ratify by 3/4 of those.

If you want to point a finger at someone point it at your selves. The (some) amendments that exist today are the results of our own citizenry squabbling amongst them selves.
Parent - - By 99205 (***) Date 07-19-2012 18:38
I think that's what I said a couple of posts up.
Parent - By RonG (****) Date 07-19-2012 18:58
Yes you did. My apologies Doug. I was attempting to multi task and as usual failed miserably. I tried to read your post but was interrupted a few too many times.

I just wish all the in-fighting could go away. That in its self is our greatest problem. So many people standing around shouting accusing one another that nothing gets done and people popping off with nothing but negative BS constantly just makes it harder to keep out of it.
Parent - - By aevald (*****) Date 07-19-2012 19:53
Hello Ron, I often sit on the side and take in what is being said and try to understand the perspective or reasoning/logic for a particular train of thought or line of reasoning. I feel that too often, the fighting/arguing that goes on is really very pointless. I put it that way because unless an individual takes the necessary steps to promote actual change they will only elevate their blood pressure and spend their day agitated and likely negatively affect their own lives.

We are given the ability to vote, we are also given the ability to have our voices heard through emails, phone calls, and letters to our representatives, congressmen, and others in positions of power. Only if we exercise those abilities will we possibly see some real change or influence. Our governing system is very complex if we try to grasp it in it's entireity, only by getting down to the nuts and bolts level do I believe that we can make some "reasonable" sense out of it's operation and how to best change or influence it.

Rhetoric is easy to come up with, facts are another matter. Our various social media mechanisms have a great deal of influence on how most opinions are formulated and how most individuals view many of the issues that we all face. Everyone has the ability to make their opinions heard, much of the time things that many of us see as negatives or unbelievable gross travesties in our government happen because a select group has found a way to be heard over the voices of the many who either chose to be silent or took the stand of thinking that everyone else will do it and they don't need to concern themselves with it.

Whether I agree or disagree with what I read on this forum, I appreciate an individual taking the time to make a statement. At that point I can choose to agree or disagree with their stand and play off of their statements or remain silent. Thanks Ron and everyone, and best regards, Allan
Parent - - By RonG (****) Date 07-19-2012 20:53
Hello Alan, with that, I guess you and I would agree the Constitution is alive and well. But I think you as many others miss my point. The way I see it, is alot of people huddling in corners expounding on every thing but the heart of the matter and rather than try to find a solution they only want to feather their own nest.

Issue's like “Obama care” exist today exactly because of just that sort of thing. To many people to busy trying to figure out how to reap benefits for them selves they loose track of what they were trying to accomplish or suppose to accomplish anyway. Just like DISTRACTED DRIVERS on a Freeway, there will be casualties.

In these issues, I truely doubt many here are deeply concerned with the welfare of the genral population of the US. My self included, however when I don't feel some to the rhetoric is constructive, sometimes I like to be the Devil's-Advocate to get folks to revel their true motive behind some asinine statements.

Historians like to paint romantic themes around large conflicts but when you scrape that away to the foundation, it’s always the same, and I seriously doubt we here on this Forum will do much to change things. Not even each others minds.

Alan I also thank you. Your comments are always welcome and appreciated from my perspective.
Parent - By ibeweldingsum (***) Date 07-20-2012 01:05
wow i kinda figured thispost would get some people talkin
Up Topic Chit-Chat & Non-Welding Discussion / Off-Topic Bar and Grill / just my humble opinion?

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