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Up Topic Welding Industry / Technical Discussions / How to word a "note"
- - By Billyboy (*) Date 07-17-2012 14:48
Hi all,
I am trying to find a way to tell our welders to stagger their welds around the inside of a rectangle to reduce warpage, but still weld the entire area solid.  How can I word this as a note on the print so everyone will understand? I would like them to move to the furthest part of the joint from where they previously welded. The laser is going to make marks every 12 inches as reference.  (rectangle is 5' x 4')  Holy cow, does this even make sense??????????  :grin:
Parent - By welderbrent (*****) Date 07-17-2012 15:19
It makes enough sense that I think I can say your note will probably get ignored anyway and they will do what they want and how they want unless someone is consistent about checking on them and has some way of enforcing the procedure.

But, call it out in a separate detail and call it for 6" long backstepped welds, or whatever length you want them to be.  You could even sequence the welds by numerical order putting '1' in one location, '2' diagonally opposite, '3' back over by '1' but backstepped into it not starting with where '1' ended.

Now, am I making sense?  I am trying to think of where I have seen an example of this.  I'm going to have to review some documents when time permits.  Maybe someone else can give you better guidance.

Have a Great Day,  Brent
- - By Dualie (***) Date 07-18-2012 06:22
I agree with the numbered welds.    If you cant exsplain it to them with words draw it out with pictures. 

if they still cant get it time for heads to roll
Parent - By Billyboy (*) Date 07-18-2012 17:11
Thanks for the replys, we opted to just etch a line every 12" all the way around and write a work instruction explaining the welding sequence.  The welders will have to sit through training and sign off that they understand the process.
Up Topic Welding Industry / Technical Discussions / How to word a "note"

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