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Up Topic Welding Industry / General Welding Discussion / How much overtime do you work.
- - By Tnwelder (**) Date 07-19-2012 22:00
Was wondering how many hours of overtime everybody works on this forum. Not trying to be nosey. The reason i ask, im getting ready to start a 7/12s for about 3 weeks or longer. thanks

Parent - - By Cactusthewelder (*****) Date 07-19-2012 23:12
We just finished a Large Job in South LA. We worked 7/12's with a FEW 10 hour days for 4 1/2 months. You better "Get It" while you can
Parent - By Stringer (***) Date 07-19-2012 23:28
As little as possible. I don't think the time and a half is enough anymore. Double after 40 would be about right.
Parent - By Rafter_G_Weldin (***) Date 07-21-2012 05:15
Ahhhh the 7 12s in Brady and Shreveport days were long hot and colder than hell at night but the 5500 a week made it all worth it
Parent - By lo-hi (**) Date 07-20-2012 01:23
Sometimes it depends if your starting up your business or are winding it down.But cactus is right ,work all you can and when it slows down, relax and regroup.
Parent - By rcwelding (***) Date 07-20-2012 05:03
I worked 6 and sometimes 7 12s for 7 months.  I just took 5 weeks off and Im going to test for a different yard Monday that works 7 12s with every other weekend off.   Working contract work in a rig yard we dont make over time.  Its all straight time.  I hate it...!  I like week ends off and I think it ups production to give guys at least one day off a week..!
Parent - - By Ringo (***) Date 07-20-2012 10:42
7-12's,with sporatic overtime.
Parent - By Josh Flynn (**) Date 07-20-2012 12:06
All I can get:yell:
Parent - - By LHoage (*) Date 07-20-2012 14:55
In one of my previous jobs, we had to build a custom hopper for a "railroad show/rodeo?". It was to be presented at the showing and I'm guessing there was a potential for it to be contracted to the best one. Anyways, we would be working 12-16 hour days during the construction of it, 8 hours for normal box car repair and the rest for the custom hoppers, sometimes just the hoppers all day :cry: Man I was so ****ing tired. The money was sooooo good though. I hope the next job I have has plenty of overtime :lol:
Parent - By scrappywelds (***) Date 07-20-2012 16:51
Work it till you can't stand anymore, then when it slows down it is time to spend some of that hard earned money.
Parent - By Cumminsguy71 (*****) Date 07-21-2012 00:44
What's overtime? We're working tens on the job I'm on now.
Parent - By strother (***) Date 07-21-2012 00:53
I don't keep track anymore. I just work when I've got work and worry when I don't!
Parent - By Rafter_G_Weldin (***) Date 07-21-2012 05:16
Every hour any hour day or night rain or shine
Parent - By pipewelder_1999 (****) Date 07-21-2012 21:35
I work maint at a paper mill. We have to sign up for overtime. At that job I average 50 hours a week over an entire year but thats with weeks I don't work over due to teaching 12-20 hours a week. I get a bunch of it during our outages. I work 7-12s for those weeks if they are working them and then work over after 7 whenever something is going on. Got a couple of 104-106 weeks in the last year but stay closer to 94-96 during the outage weeks.

It will probably slow down some this year. REALLY LIKE to spend time with my wife and daughter. But I do get hyped up during outages and like to work.

Have a good day
Parent - By Sourdough (****) Date 07-22-2012 04:32
That's only 84 hour work weeks. I currently work no fact, I work no time at all. I'm on vacation.

For as long as I want.
Parent - By tighand430 (***) Date 07-23-2012 06:49
Workin 7-12s with spotty overtime and have a 36 hour shutdown comin up in a few weeks to tie-in a bypass line. We work 8-12 weeks on an 2 weeks off and damn does the time off go by fast!
Parent - By OBEWAN (***) Date 07-24-2012 00:08
Recently it has been 10 or 12 hour days.  But no weekends.  It is a real ka-ching $$$ for the paycheck though.  But it gets tiring because I have a 40 minute commute each way too.
- - By 803056 (*****) Date 07-20-2012 17:27
All I can.

Parent - By Tex (**) Date 07-21-2012 02:18
Went in at 7am on Tuesday. Got called out to a rig for a job that needed done before they could spud a hole. Finished up at 2am Wednesday. Was back at work at 7am.

Git'it while ya got'it.

- - By hojopens3 (**) Date 07-21-2012 13:34
i work 7/12's for 28 straight days then i'm off for 28 i get paid for my off days
Parent - - By Chris2626 (***) Date 07-22-2012 02:22
try and work as little over time as I can. Enjoying life is more important to me but if you can work none stop 7/12' you got my respect.
Parent - By rcwelding (***) Date 07-22-2012 03:14
It takes about a month to get used to. After that you just turn into a brainless robot..!  I hate 7- 12s.  However the paychecks are nice..!
- - By Dualie (***) Date 07-22-2012 03:36
Anything over 12 hours strait runs i find that people start to make dumb mistakes.   Things that are completely fatigue related.  

I used to be a real tyrant pushing the shop guys when we had to much work and not enough time.   hasn't been a problem lately but we try to triage jobs and price them accordingly for their priority's so its not a real massive problem.
Parent - - By Sourdough (****) Date 07-22-2012 04:41
This is very true....I've been on some rig repairs, solo, that ran on for 30 hours or better. There were times when I would wake up and realize I was holding a lit torch in my hand, and not remember what I was doing for the last hour or so. This was at the height of the boom here in Rifle, and when calls like that yielded 3 or 4 grand a pop. Sometimes it's all about the money. Fortunately I don't see things quite the same way nowadays. I would rather see my son grow up, than watch the months and years go by like a blur....for a bunch of crap I never needed in the first place. True story. Get it while you can, but know when to quit.....
Parent - - By Chris2626 (***) Date 07-22-2012 16:48
Agree with what you say, my father worked a lot growing up and I understand to give me and my sister a better life so this maybe a reason I don't care to work all that over time it just isn't worth it missing out on life. I think he realizes it now with his grandson that he missed out a lot on us so he's making up for it now with him. I got a friend worse then me who will walk off a job to make his sons T ball game lol
Parent - - By Cumminsguy71 (*****) Date 07-23-2012 00:51
I agree. Working a lot and chasing the money all the time takes me away from what is truely important in life, my family. Worked and lived away from home for the first three months of the year and spent the next three months at home doing shop work and was happy. Bored of handrail but happy that I could do whatever I wanted with my kids while they were on break. I can live on very little and be happy, keep the bills paid, some money in the bank and my yearly vacation to the gulf(I hope) and I'm happy. My Grandpa always had a small business, don't remember him EVER working for somebody since as far back as I can remember. Back in the late 70's until he passed about 2 years ago. He never had the latest and greatest cars, house, toys but he was always happy and relaxed. I guess since I spent so much time around him and working my arse off for the last 10 years non stop and now kinda taking control I can see and feel the difference.

I can hang with the best of them, all day, everyday as long as you want, ask Tommy about our 16 hour days!! But, in the end it's only money, gone without all the fancy toy b.s half my life. Won't bother me not to have it for the next half. I could stand to work, 3, 4 months away from home, non stop money making but I can guarantee you that I won't be going anywhere for the next 3-4 months and will be home doing whatever I want living off the money I made. I can work my tail off, have the fancy car, truck, whatever but I'd rather know that I can go see my kid's b-ball games, take them to the pool, the river, see graduation or awards things, whatever, it's well worth it.

Overtime or overworked has it's limits in my book.
Parent - - By Chris2626 (***) Date 07-23-2012 01:57
I've got my toys but it's just taking me now a little longer to save up and build my toys but I'm cool with the money I'm making.

Shawn, I took this job driving a welding supply truck and tell ya what I couldn't be happier as of right now. I'm still in the heat but once i'm done unloading I can jump back into the cold a/c truck and cool down. Nice to know i can make the same amount of money as before well will be more in the long run and get home and still have a life. Been trying to find a company I can stay with and be happy and well this maybe it, only time will tell.
Parent - - By Cumminsguy71 (*****) Date 07-23-2012 19:44
HAHAHA!!! Who would have thought! Glad it's working out for you! This heat is something this summer! When I get ready to roll up I start the truck and then roll up. When I get it I freeze for the first few minutes but boy does it feel good!
Parent - By Chris2626 (***) Date 07-23-2012 23:11
yep same here I never thought I'd enjoy this as much as I do.
- - By john housel (*) Date 07-22-2012 11:34
I have found 60 hours a week is my comfort zone. Personally, the most I have ever worked was 128 hours in one week. Turned me into an ***hole. Never again.
Parent - By qcrobert (***) Date 07-23-2012 19:33
6-10s for our shop
- - By Metarinka (****) Date 07-25-2012 06:24
just about none,
but I'm a salaried engineer.  I work 9 hour days with every other friday off, a 9-80
Parent - By Mat (***) Date 07-26-2012 08:45
With the present company I work 4 ten hour shifts...Although whenever asked to work overtime, I put in 5 hours on Friday.  :lol:

When I was up in P.G.  I worked whenever I had to.  The longest day I worked, I was up at 4:45 and got home around 22:30 (Mill has to run!)
Up Topic Welding Industry / General Welding Discussion / How much overtime do you work.

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