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Up Topic Welding Industry / Technical Discussions / RT or PT
- By Milton Gravitt (***) Date 07-26-2012 14:16 Edited 07-26-2012 22:39
We have a print that states to Weld PER AWS D17.1 using ER4043 filler wire it don't have a class called out on the print this is note (6.) Note (7.) States that after welding,Final Thread Cut/Tap may be Per formed.
Note (8.) states to Penetrant inspect per ASTM E 1417. If it doesn't call which welding class would you need to RT these weldments or would you be right by Penetrant test. I need your opinions.

The question that I ask this morning was self-explanatory, but I couldn’t get some other people to understand. They ask me to ask you guys and see what the people on the   forum thought about it. I said to them that these people on the forum is not going to waste their time on such a stupid question.
Sorry to even ask a question like this.
Up Topic Welding Industry / Technical Discussions / RT or PT

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